About BibleTronic

(Verse) Yo, I’m his and he’s mine, it’s our love divine, Like the sweetest wine, we groove in perfect time. Catch me in the garden, I’m the flower he adores, He’s my king, I’m his queen, babe, let’s open those doors! Together, we shine, yeah, love’s our design, In this crazy world, he’s my favorite...


Don’t just read the Bible Verse of the Day… Rap it!

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Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 11:11-12!

Yo, listen up, I got a tale to tell
You see, it’s not just man, but woman as well
We need each other, can’t you see?
You can’t have one without the other, it’s just meant to be
So let’s show some love and respect
‘Cause we’re all in this together, that’s the real deal, direct!


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Timothy 3:2!

Yo, if you wanna lead the flock, you gotta rock
Be the opposite of a player, stay off the block
You gotta be chill, not quick to anger or lose your temper
Gotta keep it real, be the ultimate example
No shady business, keep your heart pure and clean
That’s how you roll as a leader, know what I mean?


Verse of the Day Rap of Hebrews 6:6!

Yo, once you’ve tasted God’s grace
And then turn and fall on your face
It’s like a slap in the face
You can’t just hit erase
You’re messing with God’s amazing grace
So don’t play with fire
Or you’ll face His ire
Turn back to God, don’t be a liar


Verse of the Day Rap of Proverbs 4:23!

Yo keep it real, guard your heart tight,
Don’t let nothin’ in that’ll start a fight,
Cuz from it flow the issues of life,
So keep it pure, don’t let no strife,
Protect your heart, it’s your treasure chest,
Keep it clean, avoid the mess.


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 8:29!

Yo, check it, Romans 8:29,
God’s plan for us, we’ll be just fine.
He knew us before we even came,
Predestined for glory, that’s our aim.

Conformed to the image of His Son,
Ain’t no need to worry, we’ve already won.
So let’s live right and stand tall,
‘Cause God’s got us, he’s the ultimate baller.


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 15:58!

Yo, don’t be lazy, get up and move
In the Lord’s work, there’s no time to snooze
Your labor ain’t in vain, so don’t despair
Your hard work for the Lord, He’s aware
Stay strong, stay steady, always abound
Cuz in the Lord, victory’s always found!


Verse of the Day Rap of Ephesians 5:33!

Yo, fellas, listen up, I’ll give you a tip,
Love your lady, don’t give her any lip,
Respect her, treat her like a queen,
‘Cause that’s the way to keep your marriage clean.
And ladies, show your man some respect,
That’s the key to a relationship that’s always perfect!


Verse of the Day Rap of Colossians 4:6!

Let your words be fly, not wack,
Spitting wisdom, stay on track.
Seasoned with salt, no need to diss,
When you’re droppin’ knowledge, don’t miss.
Keep it smooth, no need to shout,
Spread love and truth, that’s what it’s about.


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Peter 5:5-10!

Yo, listen up, all you younger folk
Respect your elders, that ain’t no joke
Stay humble, don’t be acting proud
God’s grace is where it’s at, so be wowed

Throw your worries on Him, don’t be stressed
He’ll lift you up, leave you feeling blessed
Stay strong, cause the devil prowls
But God’s got your back, so take a bow


Verse of the Day Rap of Jude 1:3!

Yo, listen up, I gotta say
Stay strong in the faith, don’t sway
We’re all about this thing called grace
But watch out for those who try to disgrace
Stand firm, don’t let ’em fool ya
Keep the faith, ’cause God’s gonna school ya!


Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 16:1-40!

Yo, Paul and Silas had some troubles, not gonna lie
They got in some mess, but they didn’t cry
They met a lady named Lydia, she was pretty cool
She believed in God and joined the Jesus crew
Then they got locked up, but they didn’t sweat
They sang and praised, and the prison walls shook, bet!