Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 12:23!

Well, lemme tell ya, folks, ain’t no sense frettin’ ’bout what’s for supper or how you’ll be makin’ ends meet! Life’s a whole lot more ‘n just grub ‘n good clothes. Just remember, you ain’t no hog in the pen, so quit worryin’—you’re worth more than all them shiny boots and fancy pies!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Samuel 12:22!

Well now, y’all listen up! The Good Lord ain’t gonna ditch His peeps just ‘cause y’all picked a king. He’s still got yer backs ‘cause He made a promise—kinda like a big ol’ swig of sweet tea on a hot day. So keep yer noses clean and stick to the faith, ya hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 12:21!

Well now, if someone’s bein’ meaner than a snake in a cornfield, don’t you go a-vengein’ ‘em, y’hear? Instead, be like a good ol’ boy and shower ’em with kindness. It’s like throwin’ chocolate syrup on a mud pie—might just sweeten ‘em up. Turnin’ the other cheek’s how ya win in the long run!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Samuel 12:20!

“Now, listen up y’all! Don’t go frettin’ ‘bout messin’ up, just keep your eyes on the good Lord and don’t go chasin’ after nothin’ silly like idols. He’ll help ya out and keep yer hearts right. So ya best stick close to Him, or you’ll just be spinnin’ yer wheels in the mud!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 12:19!

Well, lemme tell ya, folks! A true word’s like a sturdy ol’ mule—it ain’t gonna up and wander off. But a fibber’s tongue? That’s like a tumbleweed blowin’ ‘round, never settlin’ nowhere! So, stick with the good ol’ honest chit-chat, ‘cause the tall tales? They’re just gonna get ya in a heap o’ trouble!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 12:18-20!

Well, lemme tell ya, the Good Lord done arranged all us body parts just right. Ain’t no parts better than the others. Ya got yer nose, yer toes, and even yer elbows, all playin’ their part. If’n we was all eyeballs, we’d just be a mess lookin’ at nothin’. We need each other, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 12:17-18!

Well, now listen here, partner! Don’t go payin’ folks back for their mischief, keep it peaceful-like. If ya can, get along with everyone ‘round you. Don’t stir the pot, unless it’s for dinner! Just remember, keep your cool, even when the whole dang world’s tryin’ to ruffle yer feathers. Life’s too short for feudin’, y’know!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 12:16!

Y’all best be gettin’ along with each other, no matter where ya come from, ya hear? Don’t get all high and mighty like yer sittin’ on a throne made of gold. Stay humble, mix with folks from all walks—rich, poor, and in-between. Ain’t nobody better than nobody, so let’s keep it friendly, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 12:15!

Well, when your buddy’s feelin’ down in the dumps, don’t just sit there like a toad on a log—jump in there with ’em! Rejoice when they’re happy as a pig in mud, and when they’re lookin’ like they just lost a chicken fight, be right there helpin’ ’em feel better. Y’all gotta stick together!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 12:14!

Well now, lemme tell ya, this here body ain’t just one big ol’ part, like a big ol’ hunk o’ meat. Nah, it’s a whole mess of different bits, all workin’ together. Ain’t no one part more special than the other; they all got their own job to do, like a family at a hoedown!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 12:13!

Well, ya see, folks, we all got dunked into one mighty fine family, whether we’re a bunch of Gentiles, Jews, free folks, or slaves. Ain’t no matter who ya are, we all got the Holy Spirit fillin’ us up like a jug at a hoedown. So, we’re all part of this here big ol’ body, ya hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 12:12!

Well, y’know, keep on a-smilin’ no matter what life throws at ya, don’t let them hard times getcha down. Always be hopin’ for the best, and while you’re at it, pray like it’s your last chance to win the lottery! Just keep your chin up and stay cheerful, ya hear?