Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hosea 10:12!

Y’all heard it? Time to plant some good seeds, folks! If y’all wanna reap a heap of blessings, get on your knees and pray right. Don’t be slouchin’ around like a lazy mule! So, let’s dig deep, work hard, and keep our hearts clean, ’cause that’s how we’ll strike gold ’round here!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 10:11!

Well now, listen up! Jesus said, “I’m like that good ol’ shepherd, ya know? I ain’t just lookin’ after sheep; I’d lay my life down for ‘em. If them pesky wolves come a-callin’, you bet your boots I’ll be standin’ guard, ‘cause I ain’t lettin’ nuthin’ happen to my flock. Ain’t that a hoot?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Jeremiah 10:10!

Well, let me tell ya, the Good Lord up above ain’t like them fancy idols folks be worshippin’. He’s the real deal, live and kickin’! When it comes to makin’ the earth spin and keepin’ the stars in line, ain’t nobody else can hold a candle to Him. Ain’t no wood or metal gonna do that!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Kings 10:9!

Well, let me tell ya, that Queen of Sheba, she gave ol’ King Solomon a holler, sayin’, “Y’all done gone and got the Lord’s blessing big time! You’re wiser than a fox in a henhouse, and your folks are happier than a pig in mud! Ain’t no doubt, your kingdom’s a sight to see!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 10:8!

Well, lemme tell ya, the wise fella keeps his mouth shut ‘n knows when to listen, but that fool can’t help but yappin’ ‘bout stuff he don’t understand. Ain’t no surprise when he gets himself knee-deep in trouble, ‘cause folks who don’t think before they speak are just askin’ for a whuppin’!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Jeremiah 10:7!

Well, lemme tell ya, who else out there is smarter than our good Lord? Ain’t nobody! Folks a’ worshippin’ all sorts of shiny things, but it’s the Big Guy who knows it all. Ain’t no fancy wood or gold can outshine Him. So, y’all better recognize who’s truly runnin’ the show, ya hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 10:6!

Well, lemme tell ya, folks! Good ol’ blessings come a-dancin’ down like rain when ya got a heart full of kindness. But lemme warn ya, trouble ain’t too far behind when ya go spewin’ lies and dirt. So, keep yer tongue tied right and watch them good vibes roll in, y’hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Corinthians 10:5!

We ain’t messin’ ’round with them fancy thoughts and high-falutin’ ideas. Nah, we take every last one of ’em and toss ’em out like yesterday’s trash. We ain’t lettin’ ’em run wild like a chicken with its head cut off. Instead, we wrangle ‘em up and make ’em line up behind good ol’ Jesus!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 10:4!

Well, now listen here! Jesus is the end of all that law mumbo jumbo, y’all. If ya wanna be right with God, just believe in Him, plain and simple! No need for fancy rules or complicated stuff—just put your faith in the fella who loves ya, and you’re good to go! Ain’t that easy?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Leviticus 10:3!

Well, lemme tell ya, God ain’t too happy ’bout how them kinfolk acted! He said, “Ya better respect me, or things ain’t gonna go too good for ya!” So, when folks got too carried away, He made sure they learned real quick-like: best mind yer manners, ’cause I ain’t just some ol’ coot sittin’ on a porch!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 10:2!

Well now, in the big ol’ woods, that sneaky feller’s makin’ his move, thinkin’ he’s all smart ‘n stuff. Poor folks are scratchin’ their heads while he’s out there bein’ all high and mighty, lettin’ his greed run wild. Can’t he see someone’s watchin’, waitin’ to give him a lesson he won’t forget? Bless his heart!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 10:1-2!

Well, bless your heart! Ain’t it somethin’ when them fancy folks ain’t got a lick of sense? They’s makin’ laws that’re as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, pushin’ the little guy down in the dirt. They gotta look out, ‘cause karma’s comin’ to bite ‘em right where it hurts! Glory be, justice will find ‘em!