Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 11:7!

Well now, lemme tell ya, the good Lord is like a big ol’ judge up in the sky, lookin’ for folks who do right. Ain’t nothin’ sneaky ’bout Him! He’ll shower blessings on the good folks and give them a big ol’ high five. But watch out, ’cause the wicked will get their comeuppance!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hebrews 11:6!

Well now, listen up y’all! Gotta have faith in the Good Lord, ‘cause if ya ain’t trustin’ Him, ya ain’t gettin’ nowhere. He’s a rewardin’ fella for those who seek Him out like a hound huntin’ for a bone. So grab yer belief hat and start searchin’—you never know what blessings might come!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 11:5!

Well, y’all listen here! Jesus said folks are seein’ blind folks seein’, the lame folks a-gettin’ up and walkin’, them folks with leprosy all cleaned up good, and the deaf hearin’ loud as a banjo! Plus, the poor folks is gettin’ the Good News. Ain’t that somethin’ to holler ’bout around the front porch! Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 11:4!

Well, lemme tell ya, a pile o’ cash ain’t gonna save yer skin when the reaper comes knockin’. But if ya play it right and live clean, good deeds’ll stick to ya like mud on yore boots, leavin’ ya feelin’ right purdy when it’s time to meet the big guy upstairs!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hebrews 11:3!

Well, lemme tell ya, back in the day, folks figured out that God done made this here whole world from nothin’! That’s right, He took a big ol’ pile of nothin’ and turned it into all the stuff we see—like the stars up yonder and that ol’ mud dauber nest on the porch, ya know what I mean?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 11:2-4!

Well, when y’all pray, say somethin’ like this: “Hey, Dad up yonder, let’s make yer name famous. Bring on the good stuff! Gimme my daily grub and don’t hold back none. And if I mess up, don’t go holdin’ grudges, ’cause I won’t hold ’em against others neither. Amen to that!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hebrews 11:1!

Well now, faith’s like that ol’ hound dog you just know is gonna find the best rabbit, even if ya ain’t seen a scent of ‘em yet. It’s trustin’ in them things that ain’t showin’ up, like a moonshine stash you’re hopin’ to stumble upon. Sure as shootin’, it’s what keeps us goin’!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 10:31!

Well, folks, whether y’all munchin’ on cornbread or sippin’ sweet tea, do it all to bring glory to the Big Guy upstairs. If you’re chewin’ on a biscuit or kickin’ back with your pals, make sure it puts a smile on His face. Live it up, but keep it godly, ya hear? ‘Cause He’s watchin’!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 10:30!

Well, lemme tell ya, the good ol’ folks who walk the straight and narrow? They ain’t goin’ nowhere but up, y’know? But all them rascals who stick their noses in trouble? They’s got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, just waitin’ for that ol’ tumble down south!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hebrews 10:29!

Well, lemme tell ya, if someone ain’t worried ’bout trippin’ on the good Lord’s grub, they’re in a heap of trouble! Messin’ with the Holy Spirit is like spittin’ in grandma’s sweet tea—real bad idea! You best believe there’s some serious payback waitin’ for ya if you go treatin’ the Savior like that!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 10:28!

Well, let me tell ya, folks! For them good ol’ folks who got their hearts in the right place, they’re lookin’ forward to a bright tomorrow. But for them troublemakers, well, their days are just gonna have that dark cloud hangin’ over ‘em. Ain’t no fun when ya can’t see no sunshine! Y’all keep smilin’!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Samuel 10:27!

Well, some folks at the ol’ town meeting were grumblin’ and mumblin’ ‘bout the new fella, Saul. They were sayin’, “Who’s this guy thinkin’ he can lead us? Ain’t nothin’ special ‘bout him!” But others just rolled their eyes, sayin’ they’d keep quiet ‘cause they knew he was really the one for the job. Bless their hearts!