Young Children

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Gods Protection from Evil Monsters

As young children, it’s natural to fear monsters lurking in the dark. But as believers, we can find comfort in knowing that God offers his protection from all evil, including these imaginary creatures. Trusting in His love and power can help alleviate our fears and bring us peace.


Trusting God in Scary Situations

As young children navigate their way through the world, they are bound to encounter scary situations. Monsters under the bed, fear of the unknown – it can all be overwhelming. But teaching them to trust in God and lean on His promise to always be with them can provide comfort and peace.


Renewing Our Hearts with Scrubbing and Suds

“Teaching young children to value self-care through taking a bath can have a profound impact on their emotional well-being. By incorporating a spiritual aspect, inspired by Isaiah 1:16, we can renew their hearts and minds with a peaceful and cleansing experience.”


Loving Others as Christ Loves Us

Young children can often struggle with showing love towards others. However, it’s important to teach them about the love of Christ and how we should love others in the same way. The book of 1 John provides valuable lessons on loving our friends and treating them with kindness and respect.


Understanding the Resurrection and Life After Death

Death can be a difficult concept for young children to grasp. Explaining the concept in age-appropriate language can help them understand the idea of life after death. The resurrection is known to be central to Christianity and can be explained in simple terms as being reborn or coming back to life, giving children hope that there’s more to come after death.


Understanding the Purpose of Pain

Pain is a natural part of life and can be difficult for young children and teens to understand. However, it is important to teach them that pain serves a purpose and that it can teach us valuable lessons. By understanding the purpose of pain, they can learn to cope with it in a healthy way.


The Role of Husband and Wife in Marriage

“The role of husband and wife in marriage plays a crucial role in shaping the environment of young children. Children learn about relationships by observing their parents. Establishing a healthy and loving dynamic between parents sets an example for children to follow in their own adult relationships.”


The Importance of Protecting the Weaker in our Midst

In 1 Corinthians 8, Paul urges believers to prioritize the welfare of those who are weaker in faith. This principle applies to all age groups, from young children to seniors. As we navigate various relationships and contexts, let us be mindful of those who need extra protection and care.


God Keeps His Promises: The Story of Noahs Ark

The story of Noah’s Ark is a timeless tale that captures the imagination of young children. It’s a story of a great flood, a faithful man, and animals saved from destruction. It teaches us that God keeps his promises and that we should always trust in him, even in the hardest of times.


The Meaning of the Rainbow

“The rainbow is a beautiful symbol of hope and promise. According to the Bible, after Noah’s Ark survived a great flood, God sent a rainbow as a sign that there would never again be a flood that destroys the earth. This story can teach young children about the importance of taking care of the world around them.”


Practicing Gratitude: Saying Thank You to God and Others

Incorporating gratitude into the lives of young children helps to develop a sense of maturity and empathy. By encouraging them to say “thank you” to God and others, they learn to appreciate the blessings in their lives and understand the importance of showing gratitude. It also promotes mindfulness and positivity, contributing to their overall emotional well-being.


Growing in Responsibility: Being a Good Helper at Home

As parents, we want our young children to mature into responsible adults. A great way to support their growth is by teaching them to be good helpers at home. By assigning age-appropriate tasks and validating their efforts, children can develop a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. Find tips and inspiration in this article on growing in responsibility.