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The Value of Hard Work: Honoring God with Our Efforts

Teaching young children the value of hard work is essential to honoring God. By instilling good work ethic and integrity in them at an early age, we train them to understand that all work, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, is important when done for God’s glory. The effort they put into their chores or schoolwork can be a reflection of their love for God.


Heaven: What is it and How to Get There

“Heaven remains a mystery to most of us, but it’s commonly believed to be a place of eternal happiness and peace. For teens, pondering the existence of an afterlife can lead to questions about what it takes to get there. Let’s dive into this topic and explore how your choices in life can impact your eternity.”


Breaking the Chains: Overcoming Sin Through Christ

As parents, it’s important to teach our young children about the freedom found in Christ. By modeling a life of obedience to Him and sharing the truth of the Gospel, we can help break the chains of sin that can entangle us. Encourage them to cling to Jesus as their source of strength and victory.


Showing Respect to Teachers and Leaders

Teaching young children to respect authority figures such as teachers and leaders is crucial for their future success. By setting clear boundaries and following through with consequences, parents can establish a foundation of respect and obedience that will serve their children well both in and out of the classroom.


Gods plan for marriage and family

Marriage is a sacred bond that starts a family under God’s plan. It’s a partnership built on selflessness, respect, and communication. For young children, seeing their parents love each other sets a foundation for healthy relationships in their own future. Parents have a responsibility to model God’s love and forgiveness towards each other and their children.