A 1 Corinthians 15:58 Meme by Bart Simpson (The Cartoon Character)
Stay cool and keep going, man, because your work in the Lord ain’t for nothing, man.
Fun memes by your favorite characters and animals…
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Stay cool and keep going, man, because your work in the Lord ain’t for nothing, man.
Speak kindly and with grace in all situations, reflecting the love of God and Jesus.
Respect and care for all, especially elders. Treat women as sisters, with purity and honor.
I used to act like a kid, now I’m a mature woman who puts childish ways behind me.
“God wants us to behave: Stop being naughty, no more fibbing or stealing.”
Hey hey hey, don’t swear or promise by anyone, just let your ‘yes’ mean ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ mean ‘no’.
The feline God made man with dirt, but the Cat God would have made him with fur.
Follow and teach others to follow God’s commands with utmost importance, for Heavenly reward is great.
“Lust not after anyone but your Krabby Patty, for that is true happiness and satisfaction from inside!”
“Jesus’ words stay forever, nothing else does.” – Patrick Starfish