A Proverbs 31:1-31 Meme by Incredible Hulk (The Superhero)
Strong woman, full of wisdom! She works hard, cares for family, fears the Lord. Her strength, honor shines bright! Hulk approve!
Fun memes by your favorite characters and animals…
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Strong woman, full of wisdom! She works hard, cares for family, fears the Lord. Her strength, honor shines bright! Hulk approve!
Keep love and loyalty close, human. With those traits, you’ll win favor with God and humans alike. Purrfect balance!
Heh heh, like, uh… don’t be all freaked out, like, Jesus is talkin’ about chillin’ up in heaven. Cool.
“We are bought with a price, so honor God with your bodies.”
Sexual relations between mates are important for reproduction and bonding.
“As a wife, I respect my husband as Jesus, and my husband takes responsibility as the head of our family.”
Treat others with respect, love and kindness, just as the Lord commands us to do.
Taking care of family is important, anyone who doesn’t provide for their own has denied their faith.
“For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife.” – Captain Marvel
Husbands, love your wives, just as Owl loves and cares for the ones in his nest.
“Mating with same gender crocodiles is forbidden by God.”
Paul and Silas heal and convert a woman, then are imprisoned but freed by an earthquake.