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Meet Luke: Author of Gospel in A.D. 60

As evangelical Christians, we hold the Bible as the true and inspired word of God. Among the four Gospel writers, Luke stands out for his unique perspective, historical detail, and literary excellence. In this article, we will explore who Luke was, his role in the Bible, the historical context of his writing, and the time period of his Gospel.

Who was Luke?

Luke was a Gentile physician, and a close companion of Paul the Apostle. He is mentioned several times in Paul’s letters as his "fellow worker" and "beloved physician." Although we don’t know much about Luke’s background, his gospel reveals his keen interest in the marginalized, the sick, and the oppressed. Luke’s gospel is a testimony to the universal message of salvation in Jesus Christ, which transcends all cultural and ethnic barriers.

Luke’s role in the Bible

Luke is the author of the third Gospel in the New Testament, as well as the book of Acts. His gospel is characterized by a deep concern for the poor, the outcast, and the marginalized. It contains many parables and teachings of Jesus that are not found in the other gospels, such as the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, and the Rich Man and Lazarus. Luke’s gospel also highlights the role of women in Jesus’ ministry, such as Mary and Martha, the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet, and the women who witnessed the resurrection.

Historical context of Luke’s writing

Luke’s gospel was written in A.D. 60, during a time of political turmoil and cultural diversity in the Roman Empire. It was a time of persecution and suffering for the early Christians, and Luke’s gospel reflects this reality. Luke’s attention to detail and historical accuracy show his desire to provide a reliable account of Jesus’ life and ministry. His gospel was written for a diverse audience, both Jews and Gentiles, and it emphasizes the universal message of salvation in Jesus Christ.

The time period of Luke’s Gospel

Luke’s gospel covers the period from the birth of John the Baptist to the ascension of Jesus into heaven. It is a comprehensive and chronological account of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection. Luke’s gospel also highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering the early Christians to carry on Jesus’ mission after his ascension. The time period of Luke’s gospel is a testimony to the fact that God’s plan of salvation was not a one-time event, but an ongoing reality in the life of the Church.

In conclusion, Luke’s gospel is a unique and valuable contribution to the canon of Scripture. As evangelical Christians, we can learn from Luke’s example of compassion, historical accuracy, and literary excellence. We can also appreciate the timeless message of salvation in Jesus Christ that shines through his gospel. Let us continue to study and apply the teachings of Luke’s gospel as we seek to follow Jesus and fulfill his mission in the world.

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