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Deutero, bro: A lit recap of the OG commandments.

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Deutero, Bro

Yo, what’s up, my dudes? It’s your boy, Deutero, here to drop some knowledge on you about the OG commandments. You know, the ones that the Big Guy Upstairs laid down for us way back in the day. But don’t worry, I’m not gonna bore you with some old-fashioned language. Nah, we’re gonna get lit with this recap and break it down in some teen slang. So grab a cold one and let’s get started, bro!

The OG Commandments, Yo

Alright, first things first. You gotta know the OG commandments, yo. These are the ones that the Big Guy Upstairs gave to Moses on the mountain, and they’re the foundation of our squad goals. So listen up, my dudes:

  1. Love the Big Guy Upstairs with all your heart, soul, and mind.
  2. Don’t worship any other gods. It’s just not cool, bro.
  3. Don’t use the Big Guy Upstairs’ name in vain. No need to be disrespectful.
  4. Keep the Sabbath day chill and holy. Take a break, relax, and show some respect.
  5. Honor your parents. They raised you, so give ’em some love.
  6. Don’t kill anyone, obviously. That’s just not cool.
  7. Don’t cheat on your boo. Be faithful, bro.
  8. Don’t steal anything. That’s just weak.
  9. Don’t lie about your homies. Keep it real, bro.
  10. Don’t be jealous of what your squad has. Be happy for them and focus on your own squad goals.

Gettin’ Lit with the Big Guy Upstairs

Now that you know the OG commandments, it’s time to get lit with the Big Guy Upstairs. He’s the ultimate squad leader, and he’s got our back as long as we stay true to these commandments. So let’s show some respect and get our worship on, bros!

The Covenant: A Squad Agreement

The Big Guy Upstairs didn’t just lay down these commandments for fun, bro. He made a covenant with us, a squad agreement if you will. If we stick to the commandments and stay true to our squad goals, he’ll bless us and keep us safe. But if we break the agreement, we’re gonna face some serious consequences. So let’s keep it real and stay true to our squad.

Remember the Past, but Live in the Now

We gotta remember where we came from, bros. Our ancestors were slaves, and the Big Guy Upstairs rescued them and brought them to the Promised Land. But we can’t just live in the past. We gotta focus on the present and work towards our squad goals. So let’s keep it real and stay focused.

Keepin’ it Real with Your Homies

One of the OG commandments is to not lie about your homies, bro. That means we gotta keep it real with each other, even if it’s hard. We gotta have each other’s backs and be honest about our flaws and mistakes. That’s how we grow as a squad and achieve our goals.

Love Thy Neighbor, Even if They’re Whack

Another OG commandment is to love thy neighbor. That means we gotta show love to everyone, even if they’re whack. We can’t just judge people based on their appearance or beliefs. We gotta show respect and kindness to everyone, bro.

Stay True to Your Squad Goals

Our squad goals are important, bros. We gotta stay true to them and work towards them every day. That means putting in the work, staying focused, and supporting each other. We can achieve anything if we stick together and stay true to our squad goals.

Don’t Be a Hater, Bro

We can’t just hate on people who are different than us, bros. That’s not cool. We gotta show love and respect to everyone, even if we don’t agree with them. We can disagree without being disrespectful or hateful. That’s how we build a strong squad.

Keepin’ it Holy: Respectin’ the Big Guy

The Big Guy Upstairs is the ultimate squad leader, bros. We gotta show him some respect and keep it holy. That means not disrespecting his name, taking the Sabbath day chill, and showing some gratitude for all he’s done for us. Let’s keep it real and show some respect.

Bein’ Real with Your Squad Leader

The Big Guy Upstairs is always there for us, bros. We can talk to him about anything and he’ll listen. We just gotta be real with him and show some vulnerability. That’s how we build a strong relationship with our squad leader.

Blessings and Curses: Choose Wisely

The OG commandments come with blessings and curses, bros. If we stick to them, we’ll be blessed. But if we break them, we’ll face some serious consequences. So let’s choose wisely and stay true to our squad goals.

Keepin’ it Chill with Your Enemies

We can’t just hate on our enemies, bros. That’s not cool. We gotta keep it chill and show some love and respect, even if they’re against us. That’s how we build a strong squad and overcome our obstacles.

Stayin’ Focused on the Squad Mission

Our squad mission is important, bros. We gotta stay focused and work towards it every day. That means putting in the work, staying true to our squad goals, and supporting each other. We can achieve anything if we stay focused and work together.

Deutero, Bro

Alright, my dudes, that’s a wrap on our lit recap of the OG commandments. We gotta stay true to these commandments and our squad goals if we wanna achieve greatness. So let’s keep it real, stay focused, and show some love and respect to everyone. Deutero, out!

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