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Mountains Tremble, Seas Roar – Psalm 114

Mountains Tremble, Seas Roar – Psalm 114

Verse 1:
When Israel went out from Egypt’s land
And Jacob’s house from a people strange
Judah became His holy place
And Israel His dominion

Mountains tremble, seas roar
At the presence of the Lord
All the earth is in awe
At the power of the Almighty God

Verse 2:
The sea looked and fled away
The Jordan turned back in dismay
The mountains skipped like rams
The hills like lambs in joyful dance

Mountains tremble, seas roar
At the presence of the Lord
All the earth is in awe
At the power of the Almighty God

Verse 3:
What ails you, O sea, that you flee?
O Jordan, why turn back in fear?
O mountains, why skip like rams?
O hills, why dance like lambs?

Mountains tremble, seas roar
At the presence of the Lord
All the earth is in awe
At the power of the Almighty God

Verse 4:
Tremble, O earth, at the sight
Of the Lord who rules with might
Who turns rock into pools of water
And flint into springs of life-giving water

Mountains tremble, seas roar
At the presence of the Lord
All the earth is in awe
At the power of the Almighty God

Mountains tremble, seas roar
At the presence of the Lord
All the earth is in awe
At the power of the Almighty God.

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