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Thirsty for wisdom, drink it up neat! (Proverbs 30 Wisdom Rhyme)

Thirsty for wisdom, drink it up neat!
Proverbs 30’s words are oh so sweet.

First, Agur asked who God and His Son are
Who can measure their might, so bright like a star?

Four groups of people leave him in awe
The eagle, the snake, the ship, and the law.

He warned against slandering our father or mother
It’s a sin that’ll lead to punishment like no other.

He urged us to be honest and kind
To fear the Lord and keep our hearts in line.

He spoke of greedy people and their thirst for wealth
They’ll never be satisfied, it’s bad for their health.

He talked about leeches and their constant blood need
So too are the eyes of people who always lust and greed.

Four things are small but wise beyond compare
Ants, rock badgers, locusts, and spiders, they’re rare.

He mentioned a king with an army so strong
But warned us against boasting, pride won’t last long.

Lastly, he spoke about a woman so wise
Who builds her house and family, she’s a prize.

So, thirst for wisdom, drink it up neat
Proverbs 30’s words are oh so sweet.

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