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“Life’s choices, wise or blind, shape our fate and state of mind” (Proverbs 20 Rhyme)

Life’s choices, wise or blind,
Shape our fate and state of mind.
Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler,
Avoid them both, or you’ll be a caller.

Pride goes before destruction,
Humility leads to instruction.
Deceitful weights and measures,
Bring forth unjust treasures.

The hearing ear and seeing eye,
Are gifts from the Lord up high.
Idle hands lead to poverty,
Work hard, and you’ll reap prosperity.

Love not sleep, lest you be poor,
Open your eyes, and find the cure.
A wise man plans his steps ahead,
Folly leads to pain and dread.

The glory of young men is their strength,
But wisdom’s worth is of great length.
A false witness will not go unpunished,
Truthful lips will be forever cherished.

Inheritance gained quickly will dwindle,
Patience and hard work will make it triple.
Listening to advice and reproof,
Leads to wisdom and life’s smooth.

Life’s choices, wise or blind,
Shape our fate and state of mind.
Choose wisely, and you’ll reap the blessings,
Choose blindly, and face life’s lessons.

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