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“Choose wisdom and thrive, 15 will revive!” (Proverbs Chapter 15 Rhyme)

Choose wisdom and thrive, 15 will revive!
A gentle answer can turn the tide,
Harsh words will cause hearts to divide.

The wise use knowledge to grow and gain,
Fools speak with no purpose and cause pain.

God sees all, even when we stray,
The righteous path is the only way.

Wealth doesn’t bring lasting satisfaction,
But the fear of God brings true action.

A hot tempered person causes strife,
But patience brings peace to life.

Wisdom brings gladness to the soul,
Folly leads to destruction and takes its toll.

The Lord detests the wicked’s ways,
But loves those who seek Him all their days.

The wise listen to instruction and thrive,
The stubborn ignore it and cannot survive.

A joyful heart is a constant feast,
But a crushed spirit is not released.

The discerning seek knowledge with care,
But the simple believe anything they hear.

Choose wisdom and thrive, 15 will revive,
Let your words and actions show you’re alive!

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