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Titus in 60 Seconds: Inspiring Truths for Faith

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Summary of the Bible book of Titus

The book of Titus is a short letter written by the apostle Paul to Titus, a young pastor in Crete. Paul instructs Titus on how to lead the church in Crete and encourages him to promote godly living and sound doctrine among the believers.

Read the book of Titus in 60-seconds or less

Chapter 1: Paul instructs Titus to appoint godly leaders and rebuke false teachers. "They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works." (1:16)

Chapter 2: Paul teaches about living a godly life and the grace of God. "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people." (2:11)

Chapter 3: Paul reminds Titus to be kind, avoid foolish arguments, and to do good works. "He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy." (3:5)

Encouragement: The book of Titus is a practical guide for church leaders and believers. It emphasizes the importance of sound doctrine, good works, and godly living. Take time to read this short letter and apply its timeless truths to your life.

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