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Experience the Gospel in 60 Seconds: Reading John’s Book

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Experience the Gospel in 60 Seconds: Reading John’s Book

The Gospel of John is one of the four gospels in the New Testament. It is unique in its approach to Jesus’ life and teachings, focusing on his divinity and the importance of believing in him for eternal life.

60-Second Read: The Gospel of John

Chapter 1: Jesus, the Word, was with God in the beginning. John the Baptist testified of him. (John 1:1, 15)

Chapter 2: Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana. He cleared the temple. (John 2:11, 19)

Chapter 3: Jesus taught Nicodemus about being born again. God loved the world and gave his Son. (John 3:16, 17)

Chapter 4: Jesus spoke with a Samaritan woman at a well. He healed an official’s son. (John 4:10, 53)

Chapter 5: Jesus healed a man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath. He claimed to be equal with God. (John 5:8, 18)

Chapter 6: Jesus fed the 5,000. He walked on water. He claimed to be the bread of life. (John 6:35, 66)

Chapter 7: Jesus went to the Feast of Tabernacles. He taught and argued with the Jews. (John 7:37, 52)

Chapter 8: Jesus forgave an adulterous woman. He claimed to be the light of the world. (John 8:12, 11:53)

Chapter 9: Jesus healed a man born blind. He spoke of spiritual blindness. (John 9:25, 39)

Chapter 10: Jesus taught about being the Good Shepherd. He said he and the Father are one. (John 10:11, 30)

Chapter 11: Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He claimed to be the resurrection and life. (John 11:25, 35)

Chapter 12: Jesus was anointed by Mary. He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. (John 12:3, 15)

Chapter 13: Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. He predicted Peter’s denial. (John 13:14, 38)

Chapter 14: Jesus comforted his disciples. He claimed to be the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6, 27)

Chapter 15: Jesus taught about the vine and branches. He warned of the world’s hatred. (John 15:5, 18)

Chapter 16: Jesus warned of persecution. He promised the Holy Spirit. (John 16:33, 7:39)

Chapter 17: Jesus prayed for himself, his disciples, and all believers. (John 17:3, 20)

Chapter 18: Jesus was betrayed, arrested, and taken to trial. Peter denied him. (John 18:2, 27)

Chapter 19: Jesus was sentenced to death, crucified, and buried. (John 19:30, 42)

Chapter 20: Jesus rose from the dead. He appeared to his disciples. (John 20:16, 29)

Chapter 21: Jesus appeared to his disciples again. Peter was restored. (John 21:17, 22)

The Gospel of John is a powerful account of Jesus’ life and teachings. It emphasizes the importance of believing in him for eternal life. We encourage you to read the entire book of John and experience the gospel for yourself.

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