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Discovering Forgiveness: Read Philemon in 1-Minute

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Discovering Forgiveness: Read Philemon in 1-Minute

Brief Summary of the Bible Book of Philemon

Philemon is the smallest book in the New Testament, consisting of only one chapter. It is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to Philemon, a wealthy Christian in Colossae, regarding Philemon’s runaway slave, Onesimus.

In the letter, Paul asks Philemon to forgive Onesimus and accept him back as a brother in Christ. The theme of forgiveness and reconciliation is central to the book of Philemon.

Reading Philemon in 60 Seconds or Less

Verse 1: Paul greets Philemon and thanks God for him.

Verse 4: Paul prays for Philemon and commends his love and faith.

Verse 6: Paul prays for Philemon’s understanding of the good he can do in Christ.

Verse 8: Paul appeals to Philemon to forgive Onesimus and accept him back.

Verse 12: Paul sends Onesimus back to Philemon, hoping he will receive him as a brother.

Verse 15: Paul believes that Onesimus was separated from Philemon for a reason, perhaps so he could be saved.

Verse 16: Paul urges Philemon to receive Onesimus as more than a slave, but as a beloved brother in Christ.

Verse 17: Paul offers to take any debt Onesimus owes Philemon upon himself.

Verse 21: Paul trusts that Philemon will do what is right and even more.

Verse 25: Paul concludes the letter with greetings and a benediction.

Discover Forgiveness for Yourself

Reading the book of Philemon in just one minute can give you a taste of the powerful message it contains. Forgiveness is a difficult but necessary aspect of the Christian faith, and Philemon teaches us that it is possible through Christ. Take some time to read the entire book of Philemon and discover forgiveness for yourself.

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