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Discover the Power of Haggai in Just 1 Minute

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Overview of the book of Haggai

The book of Haggai is a short but powerful book in the Old Testament. It consists of only two chapters and is written by the prophet Haggai during the time when the Jews had returned from Babylonian captivity. The book is mainly focused on rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem and the importance of putting God first in our lives.

Quick read: Haggai in 60 seconds

Chapter 1: The people are rebuked for neglecting God’s house. "Consider your ways." – Haggai 1:5

Chapter 2: The people are encouraged to be strong and work for God. "I am with you, says the Lord." – Haggai 2:4


In just 60 seconds, we can get a glimpse of the powerful message of the book of Haggai. It reminds us of the importance of putting God first in our lives and working towards His kingdom. We are encouraged to read the entire book of Haggai and allow its message to transform our lives. Let us be inspired by the words of the prophet Haggai and strive to live a life that pleases God.

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