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2 Chronicles: A Life-Changing Minute of Inspiration

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The Bible Book of 2 Chronicles: A Summary

The book of 2 Chronicles is the last book of the Hebrew Bible. It was written by Ezra and covers the history of the southern kingdom of Judah. The book focuses on the reigns of King Solomon and his descendants, including the kings of Judah. It also includes accounts of the temple’s construction and worship.

2 Chronicles: Read it in 60 Seconds or Less!

Chapter 1-5: Solomon becomes king, builds the temple, and dedicates it. "If my people humble themselves, I will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Chapter 6-10: Solomon prays for God’s presence in the temple. After his death, his son Rehoboam becomes king and divides the kingdom. "The Lord sets up kings to do His will." (2 Chronicles 10:15)

Chapter 11-20: The kings of Judah, including Asa, Jehoshaphat, and Hezekiah, reign and face battles. The prophet Elijah confronts King Ahaziah. "The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." (2 Chronicles 16:9)

Chapter 21-36: The remaining kings of Judah, including Josiah, reign and make reforms. Babylonians conquer Jerusalem and take the Israelites into captivity. "If you seek Him, He will be found by you." (2 Chronicles 15:2)

Read the entire book of 2 Chronicles and be inspired by the faithfulness and mercy of God throughout the history of Judah.

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