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1 Minute to Inspire: Reading 2 John

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1 Minute to Inspire: Reading 2 John

Brief Summary of 2 John

The second letter of John is a short epistle that urges believers to love one another and to avoid those who deny Jesus Christ.

A Letter of Love and Warning

2 John is addressed to the "elect lady" and warns against false teachers who deny the truth of Christ’s incarnation. The letter emphasizes the importance of love and obedience, and urges believers to remain faithful to the teachings of the apostles.

Reading 2 John in 60 Seconds or Less

Chapter 1: Love one another and walk in truth. Beware of deceivers who deny Christ’s humanity. (verse 7)

Chapter 2: Walk in love and obedience. Those who deny Christ are not of God. (verse 9)

Chapter 3: Love one another and follow God’s commandments. Reject false teachers. (verse 11)

Love and Truth: A Call to Discipleship

The message of 2 John is simple yet powerful: love one another and remain faithful to the truth of Christ. This letter reminds us that our love for God should be reflected in our love for others, and that we must be discerning in our relationships with those who claim to be followers of Christ.

As you read through 2 John, allow its message to inspire you to greater love and faithfulness. Let it encourage you to walk in truth and to stand firm against those who would lead you astray. And may you be reminded that, as a disciple of Christ, your greatest calling is to love God and love others.

So take a few minutes to read through 2 John, and let its message inspire you today.

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