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The wonders of Gods creation: Exploring the ocean

Possible Viewpont: Baptist Christian

Title: The wonders of God’s creation: Exploring the ocean

Bible Verse: Psalm 95:5 “The sea is His; He made it, and His hands formed the dry land.”


Hello children, today we are going to explore the wonders of God’s creation. We are going to talk about the ocean and learn about its amazing characteristics that God created.


The Ocean is a vast body of saltwater that covers more than 70% of the earth’s surface. It is one of the most magnificent creations of God. God created the ocean on the third day of creation (Genesis 1:9-10) and filled it with all kinds of sea creatures, including small fish, big whales, starfish, sea turtles, and dolphins. All of these creatures were made by God and show His amazing creativity and attention to detail.

The ocean is not only home to sea creatures, but it also has many other functions. It helps regulate the earth’s temperature, produces oxygen, and provides food for millions of people.

When we visit the ocean, we can see how powerful it is. The waves can crash down on rocks and shorelines, making a loud noise that can be heard from far away. From the surface, it seems that the ocean is unending because it stretches as far as we can see. However, it is just a tiny fraction of the depths of the ocean.

The ocean depths are still not fully explored, and there are many mysteries yet to be discovered. Scientists have found underwater volcanoes, caves, and unique creatures that we cannot find on land. The ocean is truly a testament to God’s limitless power and creativity.


God created the ocean as a reminder of His creation’s beauty and power. Next time you go to the beach or on a boat, stop and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the ocean, and remember how amazing and powerful our God is. Remember, the sea is His; He made it, and His hands formed the dry land (Psalm 95:5). Let’s thank Him for the wonderful gift He’s given us!

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “This is my Father’s World”
2. “The Tide is Turning”
3. “Let the Oceans roar”
4. “Great is Thy Faithfulness” (as a hymn adaptation)

Questions for Lesson

1. What is your favourite thing about the ocean?
2. How does the ocean help us understand God’s power and creativity?
3. Can you name some creatures that live in the ocean and how they adapt to living underwater?
4. What can we do as Christians to help protect the ocean and its inhabitants?
5. According to Psalm 93:4, what does the ocean symbolize about God’s majesty and strength?
6. How can we use our knowledge and appreciation of the ocean to share God’s love with others?


1. Genesis 1:20-23
2. Job 12:8-10
3. Psalm 104:24-26
4. Proverbs 8:22-31
5. Matthew 8:24-27
6. Mark 6:48-51
7. Luke 5:4-11
8. John 1:3-4
9. Revelation 4:6-7.

Object Lesson

Illustration Title: “Diving into the Wonders of God’s Creation: Exploring the Ocean”

Target Age Group: Young Children (ages 5-8)

Props Needed:
– Blue blanket or sheet
– Blue construction paper
– A large pail or bucket
– Seashells or sand
– Pictures or toy replicas of ocean animals such as fish, dolphins, sharks, etc.
– A CD or audio player with ocean sounds or a music player with ocean-themed music

How to Present the Illustration:
– Spread the blue blanket or sheet on the floor to represent the ocean.
– Cut out some ocean waves from the blue construction paper and place them on top of the blanket to create a realistic look.
– Fill the large pail or bucket with seashells or sand and place it on the side of the blanket.
– Scatter the pictures or toy replicas of ocean animals on the blanket.
– Play the CD with ocean sounds or music player with ocean-themed music to set the mood.
– Start the activity by asking the children to name some ocean animals they know.
– Explain to them that the ocean is one of the wonders of God’s creation and that it is vast and mysterious.
– Ask them to pretend they are divers and they are exploring the ocean floor by looking for seashells, playing with the sand, and discovering different ocean animals.
– Encourage the children to describe the animals they find and talk about their features and habits.
– Talk to them about how important it is to take care of the ocean and its inhabitants to preserve God’s creation for future generations.
– End the activity with a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s beautiful creation and a commitment to caring for nature.

Craft Idea

Ocean Art Craft: Creating a Coral Reef

– Blue construction paper
– Scissors
– Glue
– Various colors of tissue paper
– Marker
– Pencil


1. Begin by drawing a basic layout of the coral reef on the construction paper. Plan out where you would like the different colors and shapes of coral to go.

2. Cut out the shapes of coral from tissue paper. You can make them any shape or size you like.

3. Glue the tissue paper coral shapes to the construction paper to create a 3D effect. Layer the coral on top of each other, and make some coral taller than others to create depth.

4. Use the marker to draw details on the coral. Add lines to create patterns, or draw small creatures like fish, crabs, and starfish near the coral.

5. If desired, add other ocean elements to the scene, such as seaweed or bubbles.

6. Once you are happy with your ocean scene, hang it up or show it to others. Discuss how God created the beautiful and diverse sea creatures that inhabit coral reefs, and how important it is to take care of our oceans.

This craft is an easy and fun way for young Baptist Christian Children to explore the ocean and appreciate God’s wonderful creation.


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