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The Value of Hard Work: Honoring God with Our Efforts

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: The Value of Hard Work: Honoring God with Our Efforts

Hey little ones, have you ever wondered why your parents and teachers always tell you to work hard? Today we are going to talk about the reason behind why we should work hard and how we can honor God with our efforts.

Bible Verse:
Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”

God has called us to work hard, no matter what we do. When we work hard, we honor God with the gifts He has given us. It doesn’t matter if we are playing or learning, doing chores, or playing sports; we should always do it to the best of our abilities, just the way God intended us to.

When a chef makes a dish, he puts all his heart and effort into it to make it taste delicious so that others can enjoy it. Similarly, when we put all our efforts and hard work into our tasks, people around us benefit from it, and it honors God.

Let’s always remember to put our entire heart and effort into whatever we do and honor God with our work. So, the next time someone asks you to do something, do it with a smile and give it your best, knowing that you are working for God. Let’s pray now and ask God to help us work hard and honor Him with our efforts.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Do Everything” by Steven Curtis Chapman
2. “This Little Light of Mine” (traditional)
3. “My God is So Big” (traditional)
4. “Give it Your Best Shot” by Kids Praise! Company

Questions for Lesson

1. How does working hard honor God, and how can you honor God with your daily efforts?
2. How can you cultivate a strong work ethic and a positive attitude, even when tasks are challenging or difficult?
3. How do you know when you are working for God and not just for your own benefit or success?
4. What are some specific examples of ways you can serve God through your work, school, or other activities?
5. How can you stay motivated and focused on your goals, even when there are distractions or obstacles in the way?
6. According to the lesson, what does it mean to “lay up treasures in heaven,” and how can you do this through your efforts on earth?


Proverbs 14:23, Colossians 3:23-24, Proverbs 12:11, Proverbs 10:4, Proverbs 13:4, Ecclesiastes 9:10, 2 Thessalonians 3:10, 1 Corinthians 15:58, Proverbs 6:6-11, Proverbs 22:29, Matthew 25:14-30, Proverbs 16:3, Philippians 2:14-16.

Object Lesson

– A small plant in a pot
– A watering can
– A bag of soil/potting mix
– A small tool like a trowel or spade

How to present the illustration:
1. Introduce the topic of working for God by asking the children if they think it’s important to work hard in everything they do, whether it’s schoolwork, chores, or even playtime. Explain that when we work hard, we are honoring God with our efforts.
2. Hold up the plant and ask the children if they know how plants grow. Briefly explain that plants need soil, water, and sunshine to grow healthy and strong.
3. Bring out the bag of soil/potting mix and explain that this is like our own efforts – if we don’t put in the work, we won’t see any growth or progress in our lives. Show how you use the tool to add soil to the pot.
4. Bring out the watering can and explain that water is like God’s blessings – when we work hard and honor Him, He blesses our efforts and helps us grow. Water the plant and talk about the importance of patience and consistency in caring for it.
5. Ask the children how they can work hard and honor God in their own lives. Encourage them to think of specific examples like studying hard for a test or helping a neighbor with their chores.

This illustration teaches children the importance of hard work and how it honors God. The plant represents our own personal growth, and how we need to put in effort (adding soil) in order to see progress. God’s blessings are like water, and when we honor Him with our efforts, He helps us grow and thrive. This is an interactive and relatable way to teach young children about the value of hard work and how it relates to their relationship with God.

Craft Idea

Craft Idea: Prayer Journal

-Construction paper or cardstock
-Decorative stickers
-Glue stick
-Pen or marker

1. Cut the construction paper or cardstock into small rectangles (about 4×6 inches).
2. Decorate the front of each rectangle with stickers or other decorative materials.
3. Use the pen or marker to write “Prayer Journal” on the front of each rectangle.
4. Stack the decorated rectangles on top of each other and fold them in half like a book.
5. Use the glue stick to glue the stack of rectangles together at the fold.
6. On the first page of the journal, write down the Bible verse, Proverbs 10:4, “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.”
7. Encourage the children to use the prayer journal to write down their prayers and thoughts about the value of hard work and honoring God with their efforts.
8. Decorate the rest of the journal pages with drawings, additional Bible verses, or other inspirational messages related to the lesson.

This craft idea helps reinforce the lesson of the value of hard work and how we can honor God with our efforts by encouraging young children to use their prayer journal to reflect on the topic and share their thoughts with God.


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