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The Meaning of the Rainbow

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: The Meaning of the Rainbow

Bible Story: Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6-9)

Objective: To teach children that God keeps His promises and that the rainbow symbolizes His covenant with Noah.

Welcome, children! Today, we will be talking about a very special story from the Bible. It’s about a man named Noah and his family, who built a big boat called an ark. Do you know why Noah built this ark? It’s because God was going to send a flood to cover the whole earth, and He wanted to save Noah, his family, and all the animals.

Noah listened to God and did everything God told him to do. He followed the instructions carefully and built the ark with his family. When the flood came, Noah and his family, along with the animals, were safe inside the ark. After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah. A covenant is a promise between God and His people. God promised that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood. He sealed His promise with a sign, which was the rainbow.

The rainbow is a beautiful and colorful sign that promises us that God keeps His promises. Every time we see a rainbow, we can remember that God loves us and that He always keeps His promises. Just like Noah, we should listen to God and obey Him. When we do, God blesses us and protects us.

Let’s thank God for the story of Noah and the ark, and for the beautiful rainbow that reminds us of His promise to never flood the earth again. Let’s also remember to always listen to God and follow His instructions, just like Noah did. God loves us and wants us to be safe and happy, and He always keeps His promises. Amen.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “The Promise” by Michael W. Smith
2. “God’s Promise” by Hillsong Kids
3. “God’s Love is a Rainbow” by Yancy
4. “Promise Keeper” by Integrity Kids

Questions for Lesson

1. How does the story of Noah’s Ark show the importance of obedience to God?
2. What are some of the different animals that were on board the Ark with Noah and his family?
3. According to the Bible, what was the purpose of the rainbow after the flood?
4. Can you name some other Bible stories that showcase God’s faithfulness and love towards His people, like the story of Noah’s Ark?


Genesis 9:8-17

Object Lesson

– A plastic toy Noah’s Ark
– Seven different colored pieces of construction paper (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)
– A small flashlight

How to present the illustration:
1. Show the children the toy Noah’s Ark and explain that it was a big boat that Noah built a long time ago.
2. Ask the children if they have ever seen a rainbow and if they know what it means. Explain that a rainbow is a beautiful arc of colors that sometimes appears in the sky after it rains.
3. Hold up the seven different colored pieces of construction paper and explain that each color represents a different part of the rainbow.
4. Have the children line up the colors in rainbow order (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).
5. Take the small flashlight and shine it through the construction paper rainbow. The light will create a rainbow on the wall/ceiling.
6. Explain that in the story of Noah’s Ark, God sent a flood to wash away all the wickedness in the world. After the rain stopped, God put a rainbow in the sky to show Noah that he would never flood the earth again.
7. Have the children take turns shining the flashlight through the rainbow and explaining what they learned about the meaning of the rainbow.

Craft Idea

Rainbow Handprint Craft

– construction paper in different colors of the rainbow
– white paper
– pencil
– scissors
– glue
– markers or crayons


1. Start by tracing a child’s hand onto the white paper.
2. Cut out the handprint.
3. Using the construction paper, cut out strips of each color of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple).
4. Glue the strips of construction paper onto the handprint, starting with red at the bottom of the thumb side and working up to purple at the top of the pinky side.
5. On the palm of the handprint, write the Bible verse Genesis 9:13 – “I set my rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.”
6. Add any additional decorations or details with markers/crayons.

As children create their rainbow handprints, encourage conversation about the meaning of the rainbow and God’s promise to never flood the earth again. Remind them that just as the rainbow is a sign of God’s promise, they can trust in His promises to always be with them and love them.


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