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Gods Garden: Exploring Healthy Eating Habits

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: God’s Garden: Exploring Healthy Eating Habits

Bible Verse: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

Objective: In this lesson, children will learn about the importance of eating healthy and how it can glorify God.

Hello, children! Today we are going to talk about healthy eating habits. Did you know that the food we eat affects our bodies and health? It’s essential to learn about healthy eating habits so that we can take care of our bodies, which are God’s gift to us. Eating healthy food can bring glory to God because it helps us take care of our bodies so that we can have the strength to serve Him and others.

1. God’s Garden- God created all the fruits and vegetables for us to enjoy. When we go to the supermarket, we see rows and rows of fresh produce that we can eat. We can choose colorful fruits and vegetables that are bursting with flavors, and they will keep our bodies healthy.

2. Why is eating healthy important?- When we eat healthy food, our bodies get the essential vitamins and nutrients they need to function correctly. It helps us maintain a healthy weight, gives us energy, and keeps our bodies strong to fight illnesses.

3. What to include in our diet?- We need to eat a balanced diet that includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. It’s essential to limit sweets and junk food because they don’t provide the nutrients our bodies need.

4. Making healthy choices- Sometimes, when we are in a hurry, we may grab unhealthy snack items that are convenient. However, we can choose to have a fruit or vegetable snack instead of junk food or fast food. We can also choose water or milk instead of sugary drinks.

In this lesson, we learned about eating healthy and how it can glorify God. Remember, everything we do, including what we eat or drink, should be done to glorify God. By taking care of our bodies, we are doing our part in fulfilling God’s plan for us. Let’s thank God for providing us with food and take care of our bodies by making healthy choices.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Wonderfully Made” by Friends and Heroes
2. “Fruit of the Spirit” by The Donut Man
3. “God’s Creation” by Raffi
4. “This is My Father’s World” by Amy Grant

Questions for Lesson

1. How does God’s creation of nature inspire us to eat healthy?

2. What are some ways that unhealthy eating habits can impact our relationship with God?

3. How can we show gratitude to God by taking care of our bodies through healthy eating?

4. According to the Bible, what are some foods that God recommends we include in our diet?

5. How can we involve God in our mealtime routines to promote healthy eating habits?

6. What are some practical steps we can take to develop healthy eating habits as a family that glorifies God?


– Genesis 1:29-30
– Leviticus 11:1-47
– Proverbs 23:20-21
– Daniel 1:8-16
– Matthew 15:11
– Romans 14:2-3
– 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
– 1 Timothy 4:1-5
– Revelation 22:2

Object Lesson

Props needed:
– A small basket of fruits and vegetables (e.g. apples, oranges, carrots, broccoli, etc.)
– A toy watering can
– A picture of a garden or a poster with pictures of different types of fruits and vegetables

The illustrator sets up the props on a table or on the floor in front of the children. The toy watering can is placed next to the basket of fruits and vegetables. The picture of the garden is hung up on a wall or easel so that it is clearly visible to the children.

The illustrator begins by asking the children if they know what a garden is. She explains that a garden is a place where plants grow, and she shows them the picture of the garden. She asks the children what they think grows in a garden, and they may offer answers such as “flowers” or “vegetables”. The illustrator points out the different types of fruits and vegetables in the basket and explains that these are things that grow in a garden and are good for our bodies.

Next, the illustrator picks up the toy watering can and asks the children if they know what water does for plants. She explains that just like plants need water to grow, our bodies need water to stay healthy. She encourages the children to drink lots of water every day.

Finally, the illustrator encourages the children to try different types of fruits and vegetables, just like they might explore a garden and discover new things. She invites them to choose one item from the basket to try, and encourages them to share what they think of it.

Through this illustration, children learn about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables, drinking water, and exploring healthy foods. They also learn about the connection between gardens and healthy eating habits.

Craft Idea

Craft idea: “God’s Garden” Fruit Kabobs

Supplies needed:
– Wooden Skewers
– Assorted fruits (e.g. strawberries, blueberries, grapes, pineapple, kiwi, etc.)
– Small individual cups or bowls for each child
– Toothpicks
– Marker or label for each cup/bowl


1. Begin by washing and preparing the fruit, cutting them into bite-sized pieces that are easy to string onto the skewers.

2. Provide each child with a wooden skewer and a cup or bowl filled with fruit.

3. Instruct the children to create their own fruit kabobs by stringing the fruit pieces onto the skewer in any order they like.

4. As they work, talk to them about the importance of eating a variety of fruits and vegetables to maintain good health and take care of their bodies – just as God wants us to take care of His beautiful creation (our bodies).

5. Once their kabobs are finished, provide them with a toothpick to add a personalized flag to their kabob, which they can write their name on or a message such as “God’s Garden.”

6. Continue the lesson beyond craft time by having the children enjoy their healthy snack and talk about how delicious and nutritious it is. Encourage them to try new fruits and vegetables and make healthy choices in their own lives.

This craft activity provides a fun and interactive way to reinforce the lesson of healthy eating habits while also teaching the children about creativity and healthy food choices.


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