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God Keeps His Promises: The Story of Noahs Ark

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: God Keeps His Promises: The Story of Noah’s Ark

Bible Verse: “And God said, I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there anymore be a flood to destroy the earth.” – Genesis 9:11

God is a loving and just God who keeps His promises. In the story of Noah’s ark, God showed His faithfulness to Noah and His covenant to never destroy the earth with a flood again. Let’s dive into the story and learn how God took care of Noah, his family, and the animals.

Noah was a man who loved God and followed His commands. God saw how wicked the people of the earth were, and He decided to send a flood to cleanse the earth. But God also saw Noah’s obedience and wanted to save him and his family. So, God told Noah to build an ark, a big boat.

Noah didn’t know what a flood was, and his neighbors made fun of him. But Noah continued to trust in God and follow His commands. He built the ark, and God told him to bring two of every kind of animal on the ark, so they wouldn’t die in the flood.

The rain came, and it didn’t stop for forty days and forty nights. But because Noah obeyed God, he and his family, along with the animals, were safe in the ark. The water covered everything on the earth, and all living things except for what was on the ark died.

After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah. He promised to never destroy the earth again with a flood. God put a rainbow in the sky as a symbol of His covenant. Whenever we see a rainbow, we can remember that God keeps His promises.

Noah’s ark is a great reminder that God is faithful to His promises. No matter what, we can trust in God to take care of us, just as He took care of Noah and his family. So, let’s continue to follow God’s commands, obey Him, and trust in Him to keep His promises.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “The Promise” by Seeds Family Worship
2. “God’s Promise” by Yancy
3. “Noah’s Ark” by Worship for Kids
4. “God’s Promise” by Go Fish

Questions for Lesson

1. What is the main message that you learned from the story of Noah’s Ark?
2. What do you think God was trying to teach us through the story of Noah’s Ark?
3. How does the story of Noah’s Ark show us that God always keeps his promises?
4. According to the story of Noah’s Ark, what should we do to obey and follow God’s commands?


1. Genesis 6:18-22
2. Genesis 7:1-16
3. Genesis 9:8-17
4. Hebrews 11:7
5. Isaiah 54:9-10
6. 2 Peter 3:9-10
7. Psalm 119:89-90
8. Matthew 24:37-39
9. Luke 21:25-28
10. Genesis 8:20-22

Object Lesson

– A small toy boat (can be made from paper or a plastic toy)
– A stuffed animal of a lion or other large animal
– A small container of water
– A small sign that says “God Keeps His Promises”

1. Begin by gathering the children around you, and show them the small toy boat. Ask them if they have ever seen a boat like this before, and what it might be used for.
2. Explain that a long time ago, there was a man named Noah who built a big boat like this because God had told him to. Show them the sign that says “God Keeps His Promises,” and tell them that this is an important part of the story.
3. Next, bring out the stuffed animal of a lion or other large animal, and explain that God saw that people were not being kind to each other, and that there was a lot of fighting and hurting going on. So God told Noah to bring two of every kind of animal onto the boat, to keep them safe from a big flood that was coming.
4. As you tell the story, pour the small container of water into the boat, showing the children how the rain started to fill up the earth and cover everything with water. You can also make some sound effects of thunder and rain to add to the drama.
5. Finally, explain that God did keep his promise. After the rain stopped, Noah and all the animals were safe and the earth was made new again. Show the sign again, and remind the children that this is why we can always trust God to keep his promises, no matter what happens.
6. Invite the children to play with the boat and stuffed animal afterwards, and encourage them to retell the story in their own words to reinforce the lesson.

Craft Idea

Craft Idea: ‘Noah’s Ark’ Bookmark

– Colored cardstock paper
– Pencil
– Scissors
– Glue stick
– Ruler
– Noah’s Ark stickers or cutouts
– Hole Puncher
– Ribbon


1. Cut the cardstock paper into a rectangle shape measuring 2 inches by 6 inches.
2. Using a pencil, draw a wave pattern on one side of the rectangle to represent the flood.
3. Cut the wave pattern with a scissor.
4. Take the glue stick and paste a Noah’s Ark sticker or cutout on the top part of the rectangle.
5. Using a ruler, draw a straight line on the bottom part of the rectangle.
6. Fold the paper along the drawn line.
7. Use the hole puncher to make a hole at the center of the folded part where the wave starts.
8. Tie a ribbon through the hole.
9. The bookmark is now ready to use!

This craft can be tied in with the lesson ‘God Keeps His Promises: The Story of Noah’s Ark’ by reminding kids that Noah trusted in God’s promise to protect him and his family during the great flood. Encourage kids to use this bookmark while reading Bible stories and remind them that just like Noah, they can trust in God’s promises too.


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