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Celebrating Gods Victory over Death and Sin

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: Celebrating God’s Victory over Death and Sin: Last Great Day

Hello, young friends! Today, we are going to learn about a very special day known as the Last Great Day. This day, also called the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles, is a time when we celebrate God’s victory over death and sin. How amazing is that? So, let’s dive in and discover more about this exciting day!

Opening Prayer:
Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for this day and the opportunity to learn more about your love and victory over death and sin. Help us understand the message behind the Last Great Day, and may it inspire us to follow you faithfully. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Story: God’s Victory over Death and Sin
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, a loving and mighty God created the whole world, including all of us! God made everything perfect, full of joy, love, and happiness. But sadly, our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose to disobey God’s command, and sin entered the world. Sin means doing things that are wrong, like lying, being unkind, or not listening to our parents.

From that moment, sin separated us from God, and death became a part of our lives. But God had a plan to save us and give us victory over sin and death – His plan was Jesus!

Jesus came into this world as a baby, and He grew up to become a very special teacher and healer. He showed people how to love, forgive, and live in a way that pleases God. Jesus never sinned; He was perfect in every way. He came to take away our sins and show us how to have eternal life with Him and our heavenly Father.

After teaching and healing people for three years, Jesus made the greatest sacrifice of all. He willingly gave up His life by dying on a cross so that we could be forgiven for our sins. It was the ultimate victory over death and sin! But the most amazing part is that Jesus didn’t stay dead. Three days later, He rose from the dead, defeating death forever!

The Last Great Day: Celebrating Victory
Now, do you remember what we said about the Last Great Day? It’s a special day set apart to celebrate God’s victory over death and sin through Jesus!

During the Feast of Tabernacles, people would come together to remember God’s presence with them throughout their journey. On the Last Great Day, they also want to remember God’s great plan of salvation and how Jesus’ victory gives us hope and new life!

Today, we celebrate the Last Great Day to remind ourselves that we have a wonderful future in God’s Kingdom because of His victory over sin and death. We can have eternal life with Him if we believe in Jesus, ask for forgiveness, and follow Him with all our hearts.

Craft Activity: A Victory Banner
Now, let’s make our own victory banners to celebrate God’s victory over death and sin!

Materials needed:
– Paper or cardboard
– Colored pencils, markers, or crayons
– Scissors
– Glue or tape
– Decorative materials (glitter, stickers, etc. – optional)

1. Cut the paper or cardboard into a rectangular shape that will fit well in your hands.
2. Decorate the banner with bright colors, drawing pictures of symbols that represent victory and joy, like a cross, crown, or an empty tomb.
3. Write “God’s Victory over Death and Sin” or “Jesus is the Winner!” on your banner.
4. Use decorative materials (optional) to make your banner even more special and joyful.
5. Attach a string or stick to the backside of your banner.
6. Hold your victory banner up high and celebrate God’s victory over death and sin!

Closing Prayer:
Dear God, thank you for giving us the gift of victory over death and sin through Jesus. Help us remember the importance of celebrating the Last Great Day every year and celebrating your love for us. May we always live our lives in a way that brings you glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Remember, young friends, the Last Great Day is a time for us to celebrate God’s victory over death and sin. It reminds us of Jesus’ sacrifice, His resurrection, and the hope we have in Him. Let’s hold our victory banners high and rejoice in God’s love for us. Keep walking in God’s ways and celebrating His victory every day of our lives!

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Alive” by Big Daddy Weave: This energetic and uplifting song celebrates God’s victory over death and sin, emphasizing the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is suitable for young children and encourages them to rejoice in God’s triumph.

2. “My Lighthouse” by Rend Collective: This catchy tune uses lighthouse imagery to remind young children that God is their guide, leading them out of darkness and into eternal life. It conveys the message that through Jesus’ victory over sin and death, they can trust in God’s constant presence and protection.

3. “My Redeemer Lives” by Newsboys: This powerful worship song proclaims the victory of Jesus’ resurrection, highlighting His triumph over death and the hope it brings. The lyrics are simple and suitable for young children, encouraging them to celebrate God’s victory and the new life found in Christ.

4. “Overcome” by Jeremy Camp: This energetic anthem declares the victory of Jesus over sin and death, inspiring young children to remember that they can overcome any challenges they may face with God’s help. The song encourages them to trust in God’s power and believe in the triumph brought by Jesus’ resurrection.

Questions for Lesson

1. How does understanding God’s victory over death and sin on the Last Great Day impact your faith in Jesus?
2. Can you share a personal experience where the victory of Jesus over death and sin has brought hope and joy to your life?
3. What does John 3:16 teach us about God’s love and His plan for salvation?
4. How does the Last Great Day remind us of the importance of forgiveness and redemption in our lives?
5. Do you have any questions or doubts about the concept of God’s victory over death and sin through Jesus? How can we address those concerns together?
6. How can we celebrate and remember God’s ultimate triumph over death and sin on the Last Great Day in practical ways?


1. Romans 6:23
2. 1 Corinthians 15:55-57
3. Colossians 2:13-15
4. 1 Peter 3:18
5. Romans 8:11
6. 1 Corinthians 15:20-22
7. Ephesians 2:4-5
8. John 11:25-26
9. 1 John 1:9
10. Revelation 1:18

Object Lesson

Title: “The Balloon Rescue”

1. A large, clear balloon (to represent the tomb)
2. A deflated balloon (to represent sin and death)
3. A small, cross-shaped balloon weight (to represent Jesus)
4. Small pieces of paper with sins written on them (enough for each child participating)
5. A helium tank or pump (to inflate the balloons)
6. A marker (to write on the balloons)
7. A box or container (to hold the sins)
8. String or ribbon (to tie around the balloon weight)


1. Begin by gathering the children and explaining the significance of celebrating God’s victory over death and sin. Use simple language and concepts that young children can understand.

2. Show the large, clear balloon and explain that it represents an important event in history – the tomb where Jesus was buried after sacrificing himself for us.

3. Inflate the clear balloon and place it on a surface where everyone can see it clearly. This balloon will remain in the background throughout the illustration.

4. Now, introduce the deflated balloon and explain that it represents sin and death. Take a moment to talk about what sin is, using examples that young children can relate to.

5. To make the illustration interactive, give each child a small piece of paper and ask them to write or draw something that represents a sin they have done or something they want to ask forgiveness for. Emphasize that no one will see what they write or draw.

6. Once everyone is finished, have the children fold their papers and place them inside the box or container, symbolizing how sins are hidden or contained.

7. Shift the focus back to the deflated balloon and explain that Jesus came to rescue us from sin and death. Introduce the small, cross-shaped balloon weight as a representation of Jesus.

8. Inflate the cross-shaped balloon weight using the helium tank or pump. Attach a string or ribbon to it and explain that the weight will rise in the air as a symbol of Jesus ascending to Heaven.

9. Finally, invite each child to come forward one at a time and tie their paper with sins written on it to the cross-shaped balloon weight. Explain that by attaching their sins to Jesus, they are letting go and allowing Him to carry their burdens.

10. As each child attaches their sin paper, ask them to say a quick prayer asking for forgiveness and thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice.

11. After all the sin papers have been attached, release the balloon weight, letting it rise into the air, symbolizing Jesus ascending to Heaven with the burden of our sins.

12. Conclude by explaining to the children that God’s victory over death and sin means that through Jesus, we can be free from the weight of our sins and have eternal life.

Note: It’s essential to provide a safe environment and closely supervise the use of balloons, particularly with young children, to prevent any accidental choking hazards or allergies.

Craft Idea

Craft: “Victory Crown”

– Construction paper (various colors)
– Scissors
– Glue stick
– Markers or crayons
– Decorative materials (optional: stickers, sequins, glitter, etc.)

1. Begin by discussing the lesson on “Celebrating God’s Victory over Death and Sin” on the “Last Great Day” with the children. Talk about the significance of this victory and why it is a cause for celebration.

2. Explain that we can rejoice in God’s victory by creating a special Victory Crown together.

3. Provide each child with a sheet of construction paper and markers or crayons.

4. Help the children cut the construction paper into long strips (about 2 inches wide and long enough to fit around their heads comfortably).

5. Have the children decorate the strips of construction paper using markers or crayons. Encourage them to write words and draw symbols that represent victory and celebrate God’s triumph over death and sin. For example, they can write “Victory,” “Jesus is Alive,” draw crosses, doves, or any other meaningful images.

6. Once the strips are decorated, assist the children in overlapping the ends and securing them with glue to create a crown shape.

7. Allow the children to customize their crowns further by adding decorative materials such as stickers, sequins, or glitter, if desired.

8. Once the crowns are complete, give each child a chance to share something they learned about God’s victory and how they can celebrate it.

9. Encourage the children to wear their Victory Crowns during the “Last Great Day” celebration or at any time to remind them of God’s triumph over death and sin.

Closing: End the craft session with a short prayer, thanking God for His victory over death and sin and asking for His guidance to live in a way that reflects this victory.

Note: Adapt the craft as needed based on the age group, ensuring the materials are child-friendly and appropriate for their skill level.


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