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Breaking the Chains: Overcoming Sin Through Christ

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: Breaking the Chains: Overcoming Sin Through Christ

Verse: “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” Galatians 5:1


Hello, children! Today we are going to talk about something really important. We will talk about our freedom in Jesus. Do you know what freedom is? Freedom means that we are not trapped or chained by anything. We are free to do what we want to do. But sometimes we can be trapped in bad habits or things that are not pleasing to God. These things can make us feel like we are in chains. But, did you know that Jesus can break those chains and set us free?


Once there was a young boy named Tim. Tim loved to play video games all day long. He didn’t like to study or do his homework. One day, a friend invited him to church. There, Tim learned that Jesus could set him free from his bad habits. Tim decided to ask Jesus to help him overcome his video game addiction. Every time he wanted to play video games, he prayed to Jesus instead. It was hard at first, but slowly, Tim found that he was no longer trapped. He was free!


Just like Tim, we can be trapped by things that are not pleasing to God. But Jesus can set us free! All we have to do is ask Him for help. The Bible tells us that when we believe in Jesus, He sets us free from sin. That means we don’t have to keep doing the things that are not pleasing to God. We can choose to do the things that honor Him instead.


As a reminder of our freedom in Jesus, let’s make a paper chain. Each link can represent a bad habit or a sin that we want to overcome. Write down one bad habit or sin on each link of the chain. Then, cut the chain and pray with your parents for each one of the things that you wrote down. Remember to ask Jesus to help you to break the chain and to set you free.


Today we learned that Jesus can set us free from sin. When we believe in Him, He breaks our chains and gives us freedom. Whenever we feel trapped by a bad habit or sin, we can ask Jesus for help. He will help us to overcome it, and we will be free!

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “My God is So Big”
2. “Jesus Loves Me”
3. “This Little Light of Mine”
4. “I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy”

Questions for Lesson

1. What is the definition of freedom according to the lesson ‘Breaking the Chains: Overcoming Sin Through Christ’?
2. How does sin keep us from experiencing true freedom?
3. In what ways can we overcome sin and experience true freedom through Christ?
4. How does Freedom in Christ affect your life?
5. What does John 3:16 teach us about the relationship between love and freedom?
6. Can you think of a personal experience where Christ helped you break the chains of sin and experience true freedom?


– Romans 6:12-14
– Galatians 5:1
– 1 Corinthians 10:13
– John 8:34-36
– Romans 8:1-2
– Colossians 2:13-14
– Ephesians 6:10-18
– James 4:7
– 1 Peter 5:8-9
– 1 John 1:9

Object Lesson

Title: Breaking the Chains: Overcoming Sin Through Christ

Audience: Young Children

Prop List:
1. A chain made of paper strips.
2. A pair of scissors.
3. A Bible.

1. Begin by holding up the chain made of paper strips and ask the children if they have ever felt like they are tied up or held back by something in their life.
2. Tell them that this chain represents the sin that keeps us from experiencing true freedom.
3. Explain that just like the chain can be cut with scissors, we can break the chains of sin through Christ.
4. Take out the Bible and read Romans 6:6-7, which says, “For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin—because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.”
5. Use the scissors to cut the paper chain in half while saying that Jesus came to give us freedom from sin.
6. Finish by encouraging the children to pray and ask Jesus to help them overcome any sin in their life and experience true freedom.

Craft Idea

Craft Idea: Freedom Bracelets

– Colorful beads
– Stretchy cord or elastic string
– Scissors


1. Start by gathering all of your supplies.

2. Cut a piece of elastic cord or stretchy string to the desired length of your bracelet. Remember to leave a little extra for tying a knot.

3. Take your first bead and slide it onto the string. Continue to add beads until you have enough to wrap comfortably around your wrist.

4. Once you have all of your beads on the string, tie a knot at the end to keep them from falling off.

5. Now, take a moment to reflect on what you learned about freedom in the lesson. Consider what areas in your life you need to achieve more freedom from sin.

6. With each bead, say a prayer asking for God’s help in breaking the chains of sin in your life.

7. Once you have finished all of your prayers, tie a knot again to secure your beads.

8. Your freedom bracelet is now complete! Wear it as a reminder that Christ can set you free from sin.

Note: If you want to add extra personalization to your bracelets, you can also add letter beads to spell out words like “Freedom” or “Jesus Saves”.

This craft is great for allowing children to reflect on the lesson in a fun and creative way, while also creating a reminder of the message they learned.


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