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Being responsible for own actions

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: Being Responsible for Our Own Actions

Bible Passage: Genesis 7


The story of Genesis 7 tells us about the great flood that occurred during the time of Noah. God was very upset with the wickedness and evil that existed in the world at that time, so He decided to clean the earth by flooding it. Noah was a righteous man who found grace in the eyes of God. God instructed Noah to build an ark and gather his family and two of every kind of animal into the ark. Noah obeyed and did exactly as God had commanded him.

The flood lasted for 40 days and 40 nights, and it wiped out everything on earth, except for those who were in the ark. Noah and his family were safe because they obeyed God’s instructions. They were responsible for their own actions and obeyed what God had commanded them to do.

Responsibility means that we are accountable for our own actions. It means that we should do the right thing, even when no one is watching us. It means that we should follow God’s instructions, because His way is always the best way.

As young children, we sometimes make mistakes and do things that are not right. But it’s important for us to learn from our mistakes and take responsibility for our actions. We should ask God for forgiveness when we do something wrong and ask Him to help us do what is right.

Just like Noah and his family, we can be safe by obeying God’s instructions and being responsible for our own actions. We can trust that God’s way is always the best way, and that He wants what is best for us. Let’s pray and ask God to help us be responsible for our own actions, and to trust in Him always.


Dear God, thank You for the story of Noah and the great flood. Help us to be responsible for our own actions and to follow Your instructions. Please help us to learn from our mistakes and to do what is right. We trust in You and know that Your way is always the best way. Amen.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Oh Be Careful, Little Eyes” – A classic children’s song that teaches kids to be responsible for their actions and to be aware of the consequences of their choices.

2. “This Little Light of Mine” – A song about taking responsibility for shining a light in the world around us and letting our actions speak for our beliefs.

3. “I Will Follow” – A worship song about choosing to walk in the path of righteousness and taking responsibility for our own personal growth in faith.

4. “Jesus Loves Me” – A beloved children’s hymn that reminds young children of their worth and responsibility to live as a child of God.

Questions for Lesson

1. What is the meaning of responsibility according to Genesis 7?
2. How can we show responsibility in our daily lives as Christian children?
3. Can you give an example of a time when you had to take responsibility for your actions and how did you handle it?
4. How important is it to take responsibility for our mistakes and ask for forgiveness from God and others?
5. What lessons can we learn about responsibility from Noah and his family in Genesis 7?
6. According to Genesis 7, how does being responsible for our actions make us closer to God?


– Galatians 6:5 – “For each will have to bear his own load.”

– Romans 14:12 – “So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.”

– Proverbs 19:3 – “When a man’s folly brings his way to ruin, his heart rages against the Lord.”

– James 1:22 – “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

– Ecclesiastes 12:14 – “For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.”

– Luke 12:48 – “But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating. Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.”

– Hebrews 4:13 – “And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”

– Proverbs 21:5 – “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”

– 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

– Psalm 139:23-24 – “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!”

Object Lesson

Title: Taking Responsibility: Building Your Own Ark

Props needed:
– small toy animals or pictures of animals
– construction paper
– pencils or crayons
– scissors
– glue

Begin by introducing the story of Noah’s Ark found in Genesis 7. Briefly explain that God instructed Noah to build an ark to save his family and the animals from a great flood. Then, tell the children that they will have an opportunity to build their own ark and take responsibility for their own actions.

1. Distribute the construction paper, pencils or crayons, and scissors to each child.
2. Ask each child to draw and cut out their own boat shape from the construction paper.
3. Have the children decorate their boats with the pencils or crayons.
4. Distribute the toy animals or pictures of animals to each child.
5. Ask the children to think about what they could ‘pack’ in their own ark that would be important to them.
6. Have the children glue their toy animals or pictures onto their boat.
7. Ask the children to think about a time when they took responsibility for their actions or something they could do to be more responsible.
8. Ask each child to share their experience or idea with the group.

In Genesis 7, Noah took responsibility for his actions by building the ark and saving his family and the animals. In the same way, the children built their own arks and took responsibility for what they chose to ‘pack’ inside. Encourage the children to continue taking responsibility in their daily lives and to remember that they have the power to make a positive impact on the world around them.

Craft Idea

Craft Idea: Paper Boat Making

– Colorful construction paper
– Scissors
– Glue stick
– Black marker
– Water bowl


1. Have the children gather around a table and give each child a piece of colorful construction paper. Explain to them that together, you will be making paper boats, just like how Noah built an ark in Genesis 7.

2. Instruct the children to fold the paper in half (hot dog style) and cut along the folded line using scissors.

3. Once the paper is folded and cut in half, the children should have two pieces of paper that are exactly the same size. Tell them to choose one of those halves to be the actual boat.

4. Have the children fold the paper in half (hamburger style) and open it up again. Then, fold both sides of the paper inwards towards the center crease so that the paper now has a diamond shape.

5. Next, fold the top corner of the paper down to meet the bottom tip of the diamond. Fold the bottom triangle upwards towards the top corner and fold it in half to create a crease. Unfold the paper to create a small square at the bottom of the paper.

6. Turn the paper over and fold down the top point, then fold the sides inwards to meet the center crease. Once the folds are made, the paper should resemble a triangle shape.

7. Gently open the boat up by pulling the two sides apart while pushing the bottom in. Press down on all of the folds to crease them.

8. Tell the children to use the black marker to draw their own small flag or symbol on the sail of their boats.

9. To test how well their paper boats work, fill a shallow bowl or tray with water and have the children float their boats in the water.

10. Once the children have finished their paper boats, remind them that just like Noah was responsible for building the ark to save his family and the animals, they are responsible for their own actions.

Bonus Idea: Have the children write down on a separate piece of paper one way they can be responsible for their actions and then place it inside their paper boats as a reminder.

This craft is both fun and easy to complete while also tying in the lesson of responsibility from Genesis 7.


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