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Guarding Your Heart Against Sexual Temptation

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Title: Guarding Your Heart Against Sexual Temptation
Theme: Lust and Desire

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 4:23 (NIV) – Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

We live in a society that is over-sexualized, and teenagers are constantly exposed to sexual messages through social media, movies, and even their peers. In such a world, it’s easy to give in to the sexual temptations that we face in everyday life. Therefore, it’s important to learn how to guard our hearts against the sexual temptation that can harm our relationship with God, our future spouse, and our own selves.

1. Defining Lust and Desire: Lust is an intense or uncontrolled sexual desire, whereas desire refers to a sexual attraction to someone in general. Both are normal human emotions, but what sets them apart is how we allow them to influence our actions. As Christians, we need to understand that sexual desires are God-given, but they must be expressed within the confines of marriage.

2. The consequences of giving into sexual temptation: The consequences of giving in to sexual temptation can be devastating. Not only can they harm our walk with God, but it can also lead to unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, damaged reputation, and emotional hurt.

3. The importance of guarding your heart: In Proverbs 4:23, we read that we need to guard our hearts above all else because everything we do flows from it. To guard our hearts against sexual temptation, we need to:

a) Watch what we consume: Be mindful of what you watch, listen to, and read. Avoid content that promotes sexual immorality, and set boundaries for yourself.

b) Surround yourself with godly influences: Surround yourself with friends who share the same values as you. Make sure your closest friends are not those who encourage you to indulge in sexual activities.

c) Pray for protection: Ask God to help you resist sexual temptation, and to give you the strength to overcome it.

As we go through life, we will face sexual temptation. However, as Christians, it’s important to remember that sexual desires are natural, but it’s how we respond to them that matters. Guard your heart against sexual temptation by being mindful of what you consume, surrounding yourself with godly influences, and praying for protection. By doing so, you can experience the joy and blessings of a healthy sexual relationship within the context of marriage.

Questions for Lesson

1. How does Lust, Desire affect your life as a Christian teenager?
2. What are some practical steps you can take to guard your heart against sexual temptation?
3. What role does prayer play in overcoming Lust, Desire in your life?
4. According to the lesson on Lust, Desire, what does the Bible teach about the consequences of giving in to sexual temptation?

Quiz question: What does 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 teach about sexual sin?

Quiz question: What does Matthew 5:27-28 teach about lust?

Quiz question: According to the lesson on Lust, Desire, how can establishing healthy boundaries help guard against sexual temptation?

Quiz question: What does Romans 12:2 teach about renewing our minds to resist temptation?


1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Proverbs 4:23
Romans 12:2
Matthew 5:28
1 Corinthians 10:13
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5
Ephesians 5:3
Galatians 5:19-21
Colossians 3:5
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
James 4:7
Psalm 51:10

Worship Music for LEsson

1. “Create in Me a Clean Heart” by Keith Green
2. “All Consuming Fire” by Tim Hughes
3. “White Flag” by Chris Tomlin
4. “Pure Heart” by Mali Music

Object Lesson

Props needed:

– A glass of water
– A pitcher of dirty water
– A spoon
– A napkin

How to present the illustration:

1. Start by holding up the glass of water and explain that it represents our hearts and our purity.
2. Next, take the pitcher of dirty water and pour it into the glass of water while explaining that this represents the temptations and impurities of the world that try to fill our hearts.
3. Take the spoon and stir the water, showing that the temptations can mix with our purity and cause us to become tempted or lustful.
4. Now, take the napkin and dip it into the dirty water, explaining that this represents giving in to our temptations and desires.
5. Use the napkin to dab the top of the water, showing that even though we may try to cover up or hide our actions, it still affects our hearts and purity.
6. Finally, encourage the teens to guard their hearts, resist temptation, and ask for God’s help in remaining pure and upright.


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Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian


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