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Gods Call to Obedience: Lessons from Jonah

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Title: God’s Call to Obedience: Lessons from Jonah

Objective: To help teens understand the importance of obeying God’s call in their lives through the story of Jonah.

Introduction: Have you ever received a call from God? Some of you might be thinking, “What does that even mean?” Well, God calls everyone in different ways. For example, God might call you to be a missionary, to preach the gospel, or to be a light in your school. Today, we will study the story of Jonah, a man who received a call from God but tried to run away from it. Through the story of Jonah, we will learn valuable lessons about obeying God’s call.

Story of Jonah (Jonah 1-4):

Jonah was a prophet who received a special call from God. God wanted him to go to Nineveh, a wicked city, and preach the message of repentance. However, Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh because he hated the people who lived there. Instead of obeying God, Jonah tried to run away by taking a ship going to Tarshish. While Jonah was on the ship, God sent a great storm that put everyone’s lives in danger. They finally realized that the storm was sent by God because Jonah was trying to run away from His call.

After admitting that he was the cause of the storm, Jonah asked the sailors to throw him into the sea so that the storm would stop. As soon as Jonah was thrown into the sea, a huge fish swallowed him whole. Inside the belly of the fish, Jonah realized that he couldn’t run away from God’s call. He prayed to God for forgiveness and vowed to obey His call. God heard Jonah’s prayer and sent the fish to spit him out onto dry land.

God again called Jonah to go to Nineveh, and this time, Jonah obeyed. He preached to the people of Nineveh, and they repented. God was merciful and did not destroy the city.


1. Obedience is a must: Jonah’s story teaches us that God’s call is not optional. You must obey God when He calls you. If you don’t, you will only make things worse for yourself.

2. Running from God is impossible: Jonah tried to run from God’s call, but it didn’t work. God will always find you if He wants to use you for His purpose.

3. God is merciful: Even when we disobey Him, God is merciful. He will give you a second chance if you repent and return to Him.

Conclusion: The story of Jonah teaches us that we must obey God’s call, even if it means doing things we don’t like. If we run away from God’s call, we will only make things worse for ourselves. God is merciful and will give us a second chance if we repent and return to Him. Let us pray that we will be always obedient to God’s call in our lives.

Questions for Lesson

1. How does the story of Jonah reflect God’s call to obedience in your own life as a teen?
2. In what ways did Jonah struggle with obedience to God’s call and what can we learn from his experience?
3. According to the lesson, what are some practical ways we can respond to God’s call to obedience in our daily lives?
4. Quiz question: What was the name of the city that God called Jonah to preach to in the story? (Answer: Nineveh)


– Jonah 1:1-3
– Jonah 1:17
– Jonah 2:1-10
– Jonah 3:1-3
– Jonah 3:10
– Jonah 4:1-4
– Jonah 4:10-11
– Psalm 119:33-34
– Isaiah 1:19-20
– Matthew 7:21-23
– John 14:15
– James 1:22-25
– Revelation 3:19-20

Worship Music for LEsson

1. “Obedience” by Todd Agnew
2. “I Surrender All” by Newsboys
3. “Here I Am, Lord” by Michael W. Smith
4. “Trust and Obey” by Big Daddy Weave

Object Lesson

– A fishing net
– A large fish or whale stuffed animal
– A cardboard cutout boat
– A cardboard cutout of a city skyline
– A sign that says “Nineveh”
– A megaphone
– A whiteboard and markers

Begin by introducing the story of Jonah and the call God had on his life. Use the whiteboard to draw out the key points of the story as you tell it. Explain how God called Jonah to go and proclaim a message of repentance to the people of Nineveh. But Jonah disobeyed and went in the opposite direction, causing God to send a storm and eventually causing Jonah to be swallowed by a large fish.

Next, bring out the fishing net and large fish or whale stuffed animal. Explain that just like Jonah, God has a specific calling for each of us. But sometimes we get caught up in our own plans and desires and disobey His call. This can lead to us feeling trapped and overwhelmed, just like Jonah did inside the fish.

Then, bring out the cardboard cutout boat and explain that eventually, Jonah prayed for forgiveness and God rescued him from the fish. He then went on to fulfill God’s purpose by preaching to the people of Nineveh.

Finally, bring out the cardboard cutout of a city skyline and the “Nineveh” sign. Explain that just like Jonah was called to preach in Nineveh, God has a specific purpose for each of us that involves sharing His love and message with those around us. Use the megaphone to emphasize the importance of obeying God’s call and proclaiming His message boldly.

Wrap up the illustration by encouraging teens to think about what God may be calling them to do or say. Encourage them to listen for His voice and to be obedient to His call, no matter how scary or uncomfortable it may seem. Remind them that, like Jonah, God always has a plan and purpose for our lives.


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Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian


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