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Pressing On: Encouragement for Those Who Feel Like Giving Up

Title: Pressing On: Encouragement for Those Who Feel Like Giving Up

Opening Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for this beautiful day you have given us. As we gather here, we pray that you will speak to our hearts and minds through your word. Guide us and help us to press on despite the challenges we face, in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Life is often challenging, and sometimes it feels like everything is working against us. Adversity can take a significant toll on your faith and make you want to give up. A friendly word or a kind gesture may help you move forward, but sometimes it feels like they are inadequate.

For the seniors, the battle can feel even more challenging because of physical limitations, illnesses, and loneliness. In such times, we need to keep pressing on and continue to fight the good fight.

The bible encourages us to keep pressing on even when things are difficult. In Philippians 3:14, Paul says, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” This verse is telling us that we must not be overwhelmed but press on towards the goal we have set for ourselves.

Today, we will be discussing how to overcome the feelings that make us want to give up and how to press on.


1. Acknowledge the Challenge:

It is essential to acknowledge the challenges that we face each day. It’s okay to ask for help and not to pretend as if everything is okay when it is not. When we recognize our difficulties, we are better equipped to address them. We can pray for strength and seek support from our family, friends, and our church community. As Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, “Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow.”

2. Keep Your Focus:

The second thing we need to do is focus on our goals. We need to be clear on what we are striving for and why we are putting in the effort. Keeping our focus will help us not to be sidetracked by the challenges that come our way. Hebrews 12:1 tells us to “lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

3. Practice Gratitude:

Practicing gratitude helps us maintain a positive outlook despite the challenges we may face. We need to be thankful for the blessings we have, like good health, families, friendships, and the gift of life. We must continually thank God for his loving-kindness and mercy to us. Colossians 3:15 encourages us to “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which, indeed, you were called in one body. And be thankful.”

4. Look Ahead:

Lastly, we must learn to look forward to the future with hope. It doesn’t matter the difficulty that we are presently facing; we can still press on towards a brighter tomorrow. We must maintain our faith that with God, all things are possible. Romans 8:28 reminds us that “And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”


In conclusion, the road ahead may seem challenging, and you may feel like giving up. But remember, you are not alone. You have a loving God who is willing to walk with you and give you the strength to persevere. So let us acknowledge our challenges, keep our focus, practice gratitude, and look forward to a bright future. Remember, we are pressing on toward our goal in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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Philippians 3:13-14; Galatians 6:9; Hebrews 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Isaiah 40:31; Psalm 27:14; Romans 8:18; Psalm 34:17-19; James 1:12.

Questions for Lesson

1. How can we maintain a positive attitude as we age and face more physical and emotional challenges?
2. How does the concept of running a race apply to our spiritual journey as seniors?
3. What practical steps can we take to ensure we finish the race strong, spiritually speaking?
4. According to the lesson, how does gratitude help us in our Christian walk and what are some ways we can cultivate a lifestyle of gratitude as we age?

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Great is Thy Faithfulness” by Thomas O. Chisholm
2. “It is Well with My Soul” by Horatio G. Spafford
3. “Blessed Assurance” by Fanny J. Crosby
4. “In Christ Alone” by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

Object Lesson

Props needed: running shoes, old running medals, a water bottle, a race bib, a walking cane, a senior discount card


Start by introducing the topic of pressing on and not giving up, particularly in old age. Make a reference to a common struggle that seniors face – the urge to give up, feel grumpy, and slow down. Then, bring out the props one by one, explaining how each relates to the theme.

1. Running shoes – Hold up a pair of running shoes and remind the audience that running is a popular form of exercise that requires stamina and perseverance. Even if seniors are not able to run, wearing running shoes can symbolize the mindset of a runner – someone who is determined to keep moving forward despite obstacles.

2. Old running medals – Show off a few old running medals and talk about the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a race. Explain how seniors can find similar satisfaction in accomplishing personal goals, no matter how small they may seem.

3. Water bottle – Display a water bottle and discuss the importance of staying hydrated while exercising. Encourage seniors to take care of themselves by staying hydrated, eating healthy, and getting enough rest.

4. Race bib – Hold up a race bib and talk about the sense of community that comes with participating in a race. Explain how seniors can find support and encouragement through social activities like clubs, classes, and volunteering.

5. Walking cane – Bring out a walking cane and emphasize that even if seniors are not able to run or do strenuous exercise, they can still stay active by walking. The walking cane represents support and balance, allowing seniors to tackle new challenges and explore new places.

6. Senior discount card – Finally, show off a senior discount card and remind the audience that aging has its perks. Encourage seniors to take advantage of discounts, benefits, and programs designed specifically for them. Explain how this can increase their sense of purpose and motivation.

As you go through each prop, tie it back to the theme of pressing on and finishing the race. Remind seniors that it’s never too late to set goals, stay active, and find joy in life. Encourage them to keep pressing on, no matter how difficult the journey may seem.


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