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Letting Go of Grudges: Forgiveness as a Key to Finishing Well

Welcome to our lesson today, seniors! Our topic for today is “Letting Go of Grudges: Forgiveness as a Key to Finishing Well.” In life, we often encounter situations that could make us grumpy, bitter, and resentful. We get hurt, betrayed, and disappointed. We might feel like holding a grudge is the best way to protect ourselves, but did you know that it actually holds us back? Unforgiveness keeps us stuck in the past, preventing us from finishing well. Today, we will explore the power of forgiveness and its benefits to our overall well-being.

1. What is forgiveness? How does it differ from forgetting?

Forgiveness is a conscious decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge towards someone who has harmed us. It’s not about forgetting the offense, but rather, it’s an act of releasing oneself from the emotional burden that comes with holding onto grudges. Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness, but rather, it’s a courageous act that requires strength and patience.

2. Why is forgiveness essential for finishing well as a Christian?

As Christians, we are called to follow Jesus’ example of forgiveness. Jesus forgave his enemies even as they crucified him on the cross. If we want to finish well, we cannot afford to hold onto grudges because it will hinder us from living a life that glorifies God. Forgiveness is also linked to our physical health. Research suggests that people who hold grudges have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, and even cancer. Forgiveness is linked to greater emotional well-being, lower stress levels, and improvements in relationships.

3. Can you share a time when you struggled with forgiving someone? What did you learn from that experience?

Sharing personal stories can help drive the point home. Allow your seniors to share their experiences with forgiveness. Encourage them to be vulnerable and honest about their struggles. Sometimes, people who appear happy and content on the outside may carry deep hurts and resentments inside. This sharing time could open up some deep, heartfelt conversations with your seniors.

4. How can we forgive someone who hurt us deeply? What steps can we take towards forgiveness?

Forgiving someone takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. Here are some steps we can take towards forgiveness:

– Acknowledge the hurt – Identify how you were hurt, and how it made you feel.

– Choose to forgive – Forgiveness is a choice, a conscious decision of our heart.

– Empathize – Put yourself in the offender’s shoes, understand their motives, and choose to extend grace.

– Let go of anger and bitterness – Allow yourself to feel and process your emotions, but don’t let them consume you.

– Pray – Ask God to help you forgive and give you the strength to let go of the hurt.

Forgiveness is not an easy thing to do, but it’s necessary if we want to finish well. Letting go of grudges and forgiving someone who has hurt us deeply is an act of love, and it’s a reflection of Jesus’ character in us. As we release others from our judgment, we will also be set free from the emotional weight holding us down. Let us choose to forgive and let go of grudges so that we can finish well, and our lives can be a testimony to God’s grace, love, and forgiveness.

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Genesis 50:19-21; Matthew 6:14-15; Mark 11:25; Ephesians 4:31-32; Colossians 3:13; 1 Peter 2:23; 1 John 1:9

Questions for Lesson

1. How can we keep ourselves motivated to finish the race of life with joy and purpose, even as we age and face physical challenges?

2. In what ways can we be a positive influence on younger generations, showing them the joy and fulfillment that comes from following Christ and living a life of gratitude and service?

3. According to the lesson, what are some practical ways we can cultivate gratitude and avoid grumpiness in our daily lives, even in the midst of difficult circumstances or physical limitations?

4. How can we encourage one another as fellow believers to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and press on towards the finish line, even when we feel discouraged or weary? What specific Biblical promises or truths can we cling to in order to keep our focus on the eternal prize that awaits us?

Worship Music for Lesson

1) “Forgiveness” by Matthew West
2) “Healing Begins” by Tenth Avenue North
3) “In Christ Alone” by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty
4) “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” by Chris Tomlin

Object Lesson

Props Needed:
1. Two balloons of different colors
2. A marker
3. A needle
4. A bowl of water

How to Present the Illustration:

Start by holding up a balloon of one color and asking the seniors, “Have you ever held onto a grudge?”

As they nod, take the marker, and write the name of the person they hold a grudge against on the balloon. Inflate the balloon and hold it in your hand.

“See this balloon? This represents the grudge we hold onto. It’s heavy and takes up space in our hearts and minds.”

Next, hold up the second balloon of a different color and write the word ‘forgiveness’ on it. Inflate it and hold it in your other hand.

“Forgiveness is like this balloon. It’s light and doesn’t weigh us down. Forgiveness allows us to finish well.”

Use the needle to prick the grudge balloon and let the air out. Put the deflated balloon in the bowl of water, and watch it sink.

“When we hold onto grudges, it’s like carrying around a weight. But when we forgive, we release that burden and find freedom.”

Finally, hold up the forgiveness balloon and release it into the air.

“Forgiveness allows us to finish well. Let go of grudges, and finish the race without being grumpy.”

Encourage the seniors to think of someone they need to forgive and release that burden, allowing them to finish well.


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