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Question: Who is Satan??


According to the Bible, Satan is a spiritual being who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. He is also known as the devil or the accuser, and his name means “adversary” or “opposer.”

The origins of Satan are unclear, but many scholars believe that he was once an angel who fell from grace. In the book of Isaiah, he is described as a fallen star or “morning star” who “fell from heaven” (Isaiah 14:12). In the New Testament, he is portrayed as a powerful and deceitful enemy who seeks to destroy humanity.

Satan is often depicted as a tempter who lures individuals into sin and rebellion against God. In the book of Genesis, he convinces Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, which leads to the fall of humanity. In the book of Job, he is allowed by God to test Job’s faith by causing him to suffer.

Despite his power and influence, Satan is ultimately a defeated enemy. In the book of Revelation, he is cast into a lake of fire and brimstone, where he is tormented day and night forever (Revelation 20:10). As Christians, we are called to resist Satan and his schemes, knowing that God has already won the ultimate victory over him.

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