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Question: Where was jesus between his death and resurrection? (Evangelical Christian)


As an Evangelical Christian, I believe that Jesus died on the cross and was buried in a tomb. On the third day, He rose from the dead and appeared to His disciples before ascending into heaven. But what happened during the time that Jesus was in the tomb, between His death and resurrection?

The Bible does not give us a clear answer to this question, but there are a few theories that Evangelical Christians believe. One theory is that Jesus descended into hell during this time. This belief is based on a passage in 1 Peter 3:18-20 that speaks of Jesus preaching to the spirits in prison. Some interpret this as Jesus going to hell to proclaim victory over sin and death.

Another theory is that Jesus was simply dead during this time. This may seem like a simple answer, but it is important for Evangelical Christians to remember that Jesus was fully human and fully God. His human body was lifeless during this time, but His divine nature remained present.

Ultimately, the exact details of what happened during the time between Jesus’ death and resurrection are unknown. However, Evangelical Christians believe that His death and resurrection were necessary for our salvation and that through faith in Him, we can have eternal life with God.

Viewpoint: Evangelical Christian
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