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Question: Is the Bible the word of God??


As an evangelical Christian, I firmly believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. This means that God used human authors to write the words of the Bible, but that He also breathed His own divine inspiration into each and every word. The Bible is not simply a collection of human writings, but rather it is the very word of God spoken to us through the ages.

The Bible itself affirms its divine inspiration in 2 Timothy 3:16, which says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” This passage tells us that the Bible is not just a book of stories or moral teachings, but that it is literally breathed out by God Himself.

Furthermore, the unity and coherence of the Bible is a powerful testimony to its divine inspiration. Despite being written over a period of many centuries by many different authors, the Bible tells a single, coherent story of God’s plan to save humanity from sin and death. This unity and coherence is a sign that the Bible is not a mere human invention, but rather the product of divine inspiration.

Finally, the Bible has proven itself throughout history to be an unerring guide for human life. Its teachings have transformed countless lives and societies throughout the ages. Christians believe that this is because the Bible is not just a human book, but rather the very word of God that points us to the path of life and salvation.

In conclusion, as an evangelical Christian, I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. Its divine inspiration, unity and coherence, and transformative power all testify to its divine origin. The Bible is not just a book of human teachings, but rather the very voice of God speaking to us through the ages.

Viewpoint: No denomination listed.
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