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Question: Is sex outside of marriage a sin??


As an Episcopalian, the answer to whether sex outside of marriage is a sin is nuanced and complex. While the Episcopal Church recognizes the sanctity of marriage and encourages individuals to wait until marriage to have sex, it also acknowledges that people may engage in sexual relationships outside of marriage.

The church’s stance on sex outside of marriage is rooted in the belief that sex is a gift from God that is meant to be enjoyed within the context of a committed, loving relationship. This relationship is ideally marriage, but it can also be a committed relationship outside of marriage.

However, the church recognizes that not all sexual relationships outside of marriage are equal. Sex that is exploitative, harmful, or outside the bounds of mutual respect and love is not in alignment with the church’s values. Additionally, sex outside of marriage can lead to negative consequences, such as unintended pregnancy or the spread of sexually transmitted infections.

Overall, while the Episcopal Church encourages individuals to wait until marriage to have sex, it also acknowledges that sex outside of marriage may occur and should be approached with care, mutual respect, and responsibility.

Viewpoint: Episcopalian
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