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Question: How old is the Bible?? (Lutheran)


The Bible is an ancient collection of sacred texts that has been passed down through generations for close to 2,000 years. The Old Testament, also referred to as the Hebrew Bible, was written over a period of approximately 1,000 years, from around 1200 BCE to 100 BCE. The New Testament, which includes the teachings and life of Jesus, was written between 50 CE and 100 CE.

The Old Testament is composed of 39 books that were written in Hebrew and Aramaic. It is believed that these books were written by various authors, from prophets to historians, over the course of many centuries. The New Testament, on the other hand, is made up of 27 books, all written in Greek. These books were written by the apostles and other early Christian leaders.

The Bible has been translated into many languages and has been read and studied by countless individuals over the centuries. It continues to be a source of guidance, comfort, and inspiration for millions of people around the world. While the Bible has been around for centuries, its messages and teachings remain relevant and important to this day.

Viewpoint: Lutheran
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