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Question: Does the bible condone slavery? (Evangelical Christian)


The topic of slavery in the Bible is complex and often misunderstood. It’s important to recognize that the cultural context of biblical times was vastly different from our own. In the ancient world, slavery existed in many forms, and it was often integral to the economy and social structure. The Bible contains various references to slavery, and it is essential to approach these texts with a proper understanding of the historical and cultural background.

In the Old Testament, slavery was a practiced institution, and laws were set forth regarding the treatment of slaves. For example, in Exodus 21, regulations are provided about Hebrew servants, emphasizing that they should be treated with dignity and released after six years of service. This reflects a system that, while still endorsing slavery, also aimed to provide some level of humane treatment and protection for individuals who found themselves in servitude. The laws were intended to mirror God’s justice and mercy, contrasting with the harsher forms of slavery seen in other cultures.

In the New Testament, the approach toward slavery shifts toward spiritual equality. The Apostle Paul, in his letters, speaks to both masters and slaves, urging them to treat one another with respect and love. In Galatians 3:28, Paul famously notes that “there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” This groundbreaking principle emphasizes the intrinsic worth of every individual in the eyes of God, regardless of their social status. While the New Testament does not explicitly condemn slavery as an institution, it promotes a radical vision of equality and unity that has inspired many Christians to advocate for justice and freedom.

Throughout history, many Christians have used Scripture to justify slavery, particularly during the transatlantic slave trade. However, others have pointed to the overarching biblical themes of love, justice, and the inherent dignity of every person as reasons to oppose slavery. The message of the Gospel calls believers to love their neighbors and seek justice, which ultimately led to the abolitionist movements where committed Christians played key roles in fighting against slavery.

In conclusion, while the Bible acknowledges the existence of slavery and provides regulations for it in a historical context, its overarching message promotes equality, dignity, and love for all people. Understanding this complex topic requires a careful examination of Scripture and a commitment to the principles of justice and compassion that are central to the Christian faith.


Evangelical Christian

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