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Question: Can a murderer be saved? (Evangelical Christian)


Absolutely, according to Christian belief, anyone can be saved through faith in Jesus Christ, regardless of their past sins or actions. The Bible tells us that God’s grace is available to all who repent and believe in Him. In the book of Romans, it says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), highlighting that we are all in need of salvation, regardless of the specific sins we have committed.

Even murderers, like the apostle Paul who persecuted and killed Christians before his conversion, can be saved through the transformative power of God’s forgiveness and redemption. In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul describes himself as the worst of sinners, yet he was shown mercy and grace by God (1 Timothy 1:15-16). This demonstrates that no one is beyond the reach of God’s love and forgiveness.

It is important to remember that salvation is not earned through good deeds or by leading a perfect life, but rather it is a free gift from God offered to all who believe in Him. Through faith in Jesus Christ, even the most broken and sinful individuals can experience the life-changing power of God’s forgiveness and be reconciled to Him. The story of the thief on the cross who was saved by Jesus in his final moments serves as a powerful reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God’s saving grace.

Viewpoint: Evangelical Christian
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