Welcome to our lesson today titled Women in Ministry: Embracing Our Gifts and Calling. Today, we’re going to look at what the Bible says about women and ministry. We will learn how women can use their gifts and calling in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1. The Creation of Woman
In Genesis 2:18, the Bible says that God created Eve as a helper to Adam. From the very beginning, women were created to be valued, empowered, and significant in God’s kingdom. God has a purpose for every woman, and that purpose is not limited to cultural stereotypes about gender roles.
2. Examples of Women in the Bible
We see countless examples of women in the Bible who use their gifts and calling in various ministries. Deborah, Esther, Priscilla, and Mary Magdalene are just a few examples of women who played important roles in leading and serving in the early church.
3. Encouragement for Women in Ministry
Today, women still face various challenges when it comes to being accepted in the leadership of the church. However, as Christian women, we must embrace our gifts, and trust in God’s calling in our lives. God qualifies us for His service, and it’s not gender that determines our calling.
4. The Role of Women in the Church
In 1 Timothy 2:12, Paul writes, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man…” This verse has often been used to restrict women in ministry, but it’s important to understand the historical context in which Paul wrote this letter. The church at Ephesus had certain cultural issues and concerns that Paul was addressing in this particular instance.
In other places in the New Testament, we see women like Phoebe, who was a deaconess in the church at Cenchreae. We also see women like Junia, who was described as an apostle in Romans 16:7.
As Christian women, we must trust in our God-given gifts and calling in the service of Jesus Christ. Our gender doesn’t limit our ability to serve the Lord so we should embrace the plans and purposes God has for us. In doing so, we can encourage and support other women who are also called into the ministry. May God continue to elevate and honour women in the church, that we may bring glory to His name.