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Teaching Your Children to be Clean at an Early Age


As Christians, we know that cleanliness is next to godliness. Therefore, it is important that we teach our children the value of cleanliness at an early age. Our children are a gift from God, and it is our responsibility to teach them how to take responsibility for themselves, their surroundings, and the possessions entrusted to them. In this lesson, we will look at the importance of teaching your children to be clean and how to instill this value in them from an early age.

I. God calls us to be good stewards of our possessions
– God has given us many blessings, including our homes, clothes, and other possessions
– As Christians, we should strive to take good care of these possessions in order to honor God
– This means teaching our children to respect their belongings and care for them properly

II. The importance of keeping our surroundings clean
– God has given us a beautiful world to live in
– It is our responsibility to take care of the environment and keep it clean
– We can teach our children to pick up after themselves and dispose of trash properly
– This will help them develop a sense of responsibility for the world around them

III. Cleaning up after ourselves is a sign of respect for others
– We show respect for others when we clean up after ourselves
– Our children need to understand that leaving a mess for someone else to clean up is not respectful
– We can teach them to clean up after themselves in public places, such as restaurants and parks

IV. Cleaning up after ourselves shows gratitude for God’s blessings
– Gratitude is an important value for Christians to cultivate
– When we take care of our possessions and keep our surroundings clean, we are showing gratitude for the blessings that God has given us
– Our children need to understand that cleaning up after themselves is a way of expressing thankfulness to God for all that He has given us


Teaching your children to be clean at an early age is an important responsibility for parents. By instilling this value in them from an early age, we are helping them develop into responsible adults who are good stewards of their possessions and the world around them. Let us strive to teach our children to be clean and develop a sense of responsibility for themselves, their surroundings, and the world God has given us.

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Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian


Proverbs 22:6
Ephesians 6:1-4
Deuteronomy 6:6-9
Colossians 3:20-21
1 Timothy 4:12
Psalm 78:5-7
Proverbs 4:1-4
Proverbs 29:15

Questions for Lesson

1. How does teaching your children to clean up after themselves reflect biblical principles of responsibility?
2. What can we learn from Proverbs 22:6 about training up our children in good habits, such as cleaning up after themselves?
3. What are some practical tips for teaching young children the importance of cleaning up after themselves?
4. How does modeling good cleaning habits ourselves as parents impact our children’s behavior in this area?
5. In what ways does neglecting to clean up after ourselves contribute to a lack of respect for the property of others and the environment God has entrusted to us?
6. How can making a conscious effort to clean up more regularly help cultivate a grateful heart and foster a deeper appreciation for the blessings God has given us?

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Clean” by Natalie Grant
2. “Clean Heart” by Fred Hammond
3. “Wash Me Clean” by Joy Williams
4. “Clean” by Hillsong United

Object Lesson

Props needed:
– A messy room or area
– A broom and dustpan
– A garbage bag
– Cleaning supplies (spray bottle, cleaning cloth, etc.)

To present the illustration, start by setting up the messy room or area. Make sure to include items such as toys, books, and trash scattered around.

Next, bring in the broom and dustpan, garbage bag, and cleaning supplies, and place them in the center of the room. As you begin to clean up the mess, talk about the importance of teaching children to clean up after themselves at an early age. Emphasize that it not only helps keep the home organized and clean, but also teaches responsibility and self-discipline.

As you continue to clean, talk about some ways to encourage children to clean up after themselves, such as setting up designated areas for toys and books, using positive reinforcement and praise, and making it a fun and interactive activity.

After the room is cleaned up, step back and admire the results. Reinforce the importance of maintaining a clean and organized space, and encourage adults to be good role models for their children by leading by example and cleaning up after themselves as well.

Overall, this illustration is relevant to adults because it emphasizes the importance of instilling good habits in children from a young age, and provides practical tips for doing so. By using props and demonstrating the process of cleaning up, it helps adults visualize and understand the message more clearly.


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