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Prioritizing God in Your Daily Schedule

Good day, brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we will discuss an important aspect of our lives as evangelical Christians – time management. Time is a valuable resource that needs to be used wisely, and as Christians, we are called to prioritize God in our daily schedule. In this lesson, we will explore how we can effectively manage our time to give more glory to God.

Why should we prioritize God in our daily schedule?

First and foremost, God should be at the center of our lives. We are created to worship and honor Him, and this should reflect in how we spend our time. God desires us to have a closer relationship with Him, and prioritizing Him in our daily schedule can help us achieve this goal. Additionally, everything we do should bring glory to God. When we prioritize God, we are able to fulfill His purpose for our lives.

So, how can we prioritize God in our daily schedule?

1. Dedicate time for God each day through prayer and Bible reading

One way to prioritize God in our daily schedule is by setting aside dedicated time for Him each day. This can be done through prayer and Bible reading. It is essential to spend time talking to God and reading His Word daily, as this helps us grow in our relationship with Him. You can choose a specific time each day to pray and read your Bible and make it a priority to keep that time free from distractions.

2. Attend church regularly

Another way to prioritize God in your daily schedule is by attending church regularly. This not only shows our commitment to God, but it also helps us grow spiritually, as we hear the Word of God preached and fellowship with other believers. Make attending church a top priority in your weekly schedule, and avoid scheduling any other activities that may interfere with it.

3. Serve others for God’s glory

We are called to serve others, and this can be a way to prioritize God in our daily schedule. Find ways to serve others in your community or church, as this can help you grow in love for God and others. Serving can also help you manage your time effectively, as you will need to plan your schedule around your service activities, thus avoiding wasting time on non-essential activities.

4. Prioritize your workload according to God’s will

As Christians, we are called to work for God’s glory. However, it is important to prioritize our workloads according to God’s will. Avoid overcommitting yourself to work activities that take away time from more important things, such as prayer, Bible reading, and serving others. Always consult God through prayer before making any decisions about your workload.

In conclusion, prioritizing God in your daily schedule is essential for our spiritual growth as Christians. Dedicate time for God each day, attend church regularly, serve others, and prioritize your workload according to God’s will. May we always strive to manage our time effectively and give more glory to God. Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for this lesson on time management. Help us to prioritize you in our daily schedules, and may we always seek your guidance and direction in all that we do. We pray for wisdom and understanding as we seek to manage our time effectively. May we always bring glory to your name. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

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Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian


1. Matthew 6:33
2. Psalm 63:1
3. Psalm 119:10-11
4. Proverbs 3:5-6
5. Colossians 3:23-24
6. Mark 1:35
7. Psalm 16:8
8. Joshua 1:8
9. Psalm 1:2-3
10. Hebrews 10:25

Questions for Lesson

1. How does prioritizing God in your daily schedule affect your time management?
2. What are some practical ways you can prioritize God in your daily schedule?
3. What does the Bible teach about the importance of time management?
4. What are some potential consequences of poor time management in your spiritual life?
5. What steps can you take to overcome procrastination and boost your productivity?
6. How can you discern God’s priorities for your life and schedule your time accordingly?

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Take My Life and Let It Be” by Frances R. Havergal
2. “Be Thou My Vision” by Mary Byrne
3. “I Surrender All” by Judson W. Van DeVenter
4. “It Is Well with My Soul” by Horatio G. Spafford

Object Lesson

– A clear jar
– Large rocks (enough to fill the jar)
– Small pebbles (enough to fill the jar)
– Sand (enough to fill the jar)
– A pitcher of water
– A timer

1. Begin by introducing the concept of prioritizing God in our daily schedule and the importance of time management.
2. Have the clear jar on display and explain that the jar represents our daily schedule.
3. Show the audience the large rocks and explain that these represent the important tasks we need to accomplish each day, such as spending time with God, work, etc.
4. Place the large rocks in the jar.
5. Next, show the small pebbles and explain that these represent the smaller, yet still important tasks we need to do each day, like exercising or running errands.
6. Place the pebbles in the jar, filling any gaps between the large rocks.
7. Show the sand and explain that this represents the less important tasks we do each day, like scrolling through social media or watching TV.
8. Pour the sand into the jar, filling in any gaps between the pebbles.
9. Lastly, show the pitcher of water and explain that this represents unexpected events or distractions that come up in our day.
10. Pour the water into the jar until it has filled all the gaps between the sand.
11. Ask the audience if the jar is full. They may say yes, but explain that there is still one more thing that could be added.
12. Place the jar on top of the timer and set it to one minute.
13. Have the audience count down with you and turn the timer on.
14. Slowly begin adding the large rocks back into the jar, making sure each fits snuggly into place.
15. Once all the large rocks are back in the jar, ask the audience what the point of the exercise was.
16. Explain that it was to show that if we prioritize the important tasks first, like spending time with God, then we will have time for everything else. However, if we prioritize the less important tasks first, we may not have time for the important things in life.
17. Encourage the audience to apply this concept to their daily lives and prioritize God first.


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