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Level 10 Bible Riddle for Matthew!

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

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I am the first of my kind, yet part of a greater story.
My author a tax collector, now known for his glory.
I speak of a man, whose name is truth.
Who was born to a virgin in a broken world, uncouth.

I am filled with parables and tales, of a great teacher’s love.
Of the poor and the outcasts, who received blessings from above.
I tell of his teachings, both profound and challenging.
Of faith, forgiveness, and the battle against suffering.

I share of the miracles he did, and the people he healed.
Of how he fed the thousands, and walked on water’s yield.
I chronicle his journey, to the cross where he was nailed.
And of the empty tomb, where his triumph was unveiled.

What am I, this manuscript of ancient lore?
A gospel account, whose message we must explore.
I am named for the man who tells it best.
The book of Matthew, where the truth is truly blessed.

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