About BibleTronic

Level 10 Bible Riddle for Deuteronomy!

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

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I am a text of ancient lore,
Written ages past, with words galore.
My pages hold insight divine,
Knowledge for those who seek to find.

My name suggests a double law,
Rewritten for those who saw
The promised land but once refused
And stumbled in the wilderness confused.

I tell of prophets, kings, and tribes,
Guidance on how to live their lives.
With statutes, judgments, commandments too,
A guidebook for the faithful few.

My pages speak of love and grace,
Of mercy found in every place.
With warnings and blessings, blessings and woes,
I tell of a journey’s highs and lows.

So search me well, and read between
The lines of a text that’s often seen
As ancient, or perhaps outdated,
But still relevant, if contemplated.

What am I, this book of old?
A treasure chest of truths untold.
Answer true, and you’ll have won
A prize worth more than gold when done.

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