Judges’ Riddles: Bible Brain Teasers

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Enigma Riddle:

I am a book that tells tales
Of judges and their deeds
My heroes were strong and brave
But their flaws were their own seeds

My stories are full of battles
And victories hard won
But sometimes the heroes falter
And their battles are not done

I am a mystery to some
My answer not so clear
But if you read between the lines
My message will appear

What am I?

Answer: The book of Judges in the Bible.

Conundrum Riddle:

I am a judge, but not in court
A leader of my people, in a fort
I had a secret, a woman’s hair
My strength was great, beyond compare

But I was tricked, by a woman sly
My secret found, I could not deny
My strength was gone, my eyes were gouged
My enemies laughed, my fate was pronounced

But in my death, I killed more foes
Than in my life, with all my blows
I was a hero, flawed and strong
My story lives on, in words and song

Who am I?

Answer: Samson, one of the judges in the book of Judges.

Lateral Thinking Riddle:

I am a hero, but not in the way
That you might expect me to say
I was a woman, strong and wise
A judge for my people, to my surprise

I led them well, with God’s help
My enemies fell, like a yelp
I was a mother, a wife, and more
My story shows, what women are for

But my name is not known, to many a soul
My deeds ignored, like an empty bowl
Who am I, you might ask
A woman of God, with a mighty task

Who am I?

Answer: Deborah, one of the judges in the book of Judges.

Trick Riddle:

I am a judge, but not in court
My story is one of a sort
I was a coward, afraid to fight
But God used me, with all his might

I ran away, from my duty
But God found me, in my beauty
He gave me strength, beyond compare
To lead my people, without a care

I was a man, with a woman’s name
My story shows, that God’s not tame
He uses the weak, to shame the strong
And turns their weakness, into a song

Who am I?

Answer: Jael, not a judge but a woman who played a significant role in the story of Deborah and Barak defeating their enemies.

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