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Genesis Genius: Puzzles from Paradise!

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Enigma Riddle:

Who had a dream of a ladder to heaven?

I am a man who was favored by God,
My father’s blessings I did receive.
In a dream, I saw a ladder to heaven,
Angels ascending and descending, you see.

I was promised a land for my offspring,
As numerous as the dust of the earth.
My name was changed to reflect this promise,
A new name given to me with great worth.

Who am I?

Answer: Jacob (Genesis 28:10-15)

Conundrum Riddle:

What did God create on the fourth day?

On the first day, light was made,
On the second, the sky and seas.
On the third, land and plants were laid,
But what about the fourth, if you please?

It was something that governs the day and night,
A great light to rule over the sky.
It was a lesser light with a gentle light,
To shine on the earth, as time goes by.

What did God create on the fourth day?

Answer: The sun, moon, and stars (Genesis 1:14-19)

Lateral Thinking Riddle:

How did Noah fit all the animals on the ark?

It was a task that seemed impossible to do,
To gather every creature, two by two.
The ark was big, but not big enough,
To hold every animal, it was tough.

But Noah was wise and used his skill,
To create a plan that would fit the bill.
He didn’t bring every species, you see,
Only those that swam, crawled, or flew free.

So not every breed was on the boat,
Only the kind God chose to keep afloat.
With this solution, the ark was filled,
And Noah’s mission was finally fulfilled.

How did Noah fit all the animals on the ark?

Answer: He only brought a representative of each kind of animal, not every single species (Genesis 6:19-20)

Trick Riddle:

What was the first thing Adam and Eve did after they were created?

It was the beginning of the human race,
A man and woman in a perfect space.
God breathed life into their clay-made forms,
And they were born, without any norms.

But what did they do when they first came alive?
Did they laugh, cry, or take a dive?
They didn’t do much, just a little stroll,
Through the Garden of Eden, they took a stroll.

So what was the first thing Adam and Eve did,
After they were created, and their lives were bid?
It was a simple thing, nothing grand,
They walked with God, hand in hand.

What was the first thing Adam and Eve did after they were created?

Answer: They walked with God (Genesis 3:8)

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