The Parable of the Super Villains
In the universe of superheroes and supervillains, a powerful hero went out to save the world. One day, he planted seeds of goodness in his city, hoping to grow a garden of peace and justice. But as he slept, his arch-nemesis sneaked in and planted seeds of darkness and chaos among the good ones.
When the seeds started to sprout, the hero saw that violent thugs and notorious villains were growing alongside the righteous ones. With a heavy heart, he wondered how they could coexist. His faithful sidekick asked, “Do you want us to pull up the evil ones?” But the hero replied, “No, for in doing so we may also uproot the good ones. They have to remain together until the harvest.”
As the hero’s word spread, his fellow heroes agreed that the wicked and the good must exist side by side, for it is only during the harvest, the end of the world, that they will be separated. For the villains would be burned in fire, and the heroes would glow like the sun in their Father’s kingdom.
Let those who have eyes to see, let them see this truth. The battles between the forces of good and evil will continue until the end of the world, and every person must choose which side they will stand on.