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Florida Man Gideon Challenges Almighty, Hilarity Ensues

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Florida Man Gideon Challenges Almighty, Hilarity Ensues

Florida Man Gideon woke up one morning with a brilliant idea. "I know what I’m gonna do today," he said to himself, "I’m gonna test God!"

Now, you may be thinking, "Florida Man, that’s a terrible idea!" But Gideon was not one to be deterred. He gathered his buddies and together they set out to put God to the test.

They started with a small challenge: "God, if you really exist, make it rain on this spot and nowhere else." To their surprise, it started pouring rain only on that spot, leaving the rest of Florida bone dry.

Feeling emboldened, Gideon and his friends upped the ante. "God, if you’re really there, make this entire street flood!" And sure enough, the street flooded within minutes.

But Gideon wasn’t satisfied yet. "God, if you’re really Almighty, make this entire town flood!" And before they knew it, their town was under several feet of water.

At this point, Gideon and his friends were laughing and carrying on, thinking they had really shown God who was boss. But then, something strange happened. The water started to recede, and as it did, a message appeared in the sand: "Gideon, you have gone too far. You cannot challenge the Almighty and expect to get away with it."

Suddenly sobered, Gideon and his friends fell to their knees and repented. They realized that they had been foolish to think they could put God to the test, and that they needed to trust in Him instead.

And that’s the story of how Florida Man Gideon learned an important lesson about the power of God.


As humorous as our Florida Man Gideon story may be, it actually has a very real and relevant message. We cannot put God to the test or try to control Him. Instead, we must trust in His power and His plan for our lives.

The actual story of Gideon can be found in Judges 6-7, and it tells of how God used Gideon, an unlikely hero, to defeat the Midianites and deliver Israel. Through this story, we see God’s power at work and His faithfulness to His people. So, I encourage you to read it for yourself and see what lessons you can learn from Gideon’s story.

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