Nicodemus and Tamar discuss About not dropping the soap and evil of the brown

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Three random fictitious conversations between Nicodemus and Tamar about About not dropping the soap and evil of the brown. That might have taken place at various times in history… But did not!

Let's Talk About About not dropping the soap and evil of the brown

**Scene: A sun-drenched marketplace in ancient Jerusalem where Nicodemus has just set down a basket of grain when he catches sight of Tamar haggling with a vendor nearby.**

**Nicodemus:** (leaning in with a raised eyebrow) Greetings, Tamar! I hear tell that the washing of hands is akin to a miracle these days. Have you also heard about the evil of the brown?

**Tamar:** (turning with a smirk) The evil of the brown? Are we talking about weeds in the field or something far more sinister, my learned Pharisee friend?

**Nicodemus:** Picture this: A slippery bar of soap, a tub of water, and a clumsy priest! One mistake and… well, let’s just say it’s less than heavenly!

**Tamar:** (giggling) Now that’s a visual! But what exactly do you mean by “the evil of the brown?” Should I be worried about, what, a bad batch of lentil soup?

**Nicodemus:** (waving his hands dramatically) No, no! I speak of the brown disaster that lurks, threatening the sanctity of our very cleanliness! If one drops the soap and produces… a brown calamity in the tub, what will the good people think?

**Tamar:** (smirking) Ah, I understand now! But remember, dear Nicodemus, it’s not the soap that’s at fault! It’s the hands that waver like a scared little lamb! One must hold tight and face the unsavory challenges of life with courage!

**Nicodemus:** (nodding sagely) An astute point, Tamar! It’s the clenching of one’s hands upon the precious soap that matters most! Hmmm, perhaps this brown menace is merely a test of our faith!

**Tamar:** Exactly! And if one were to drop it, what do they do? Cry like Job? No! They pick it up and wash away the residue of fear, cleanse themselves from the shadows of missteps!

**Nicodemus:** (stroking his chin) Yes, “blessed are the soapy ones, for they shall be the cleanest of heart!” Or perhaps, “dust yourself off and rise again, for the brown shall not prevail!”

**Tamar:** (grinning) And in doing so, they will learn that life’s inevitabilities—like a slippery bar of soap—are mere reminders to cling to our values! If God wanted us to dwell in filth, He wouldn’t have parted the waters!

**Nicodemus:** (raising a finger triumphantly) And one should not be too quick to judge the dirt beneath the fingernails! How can we grow if we do not embrace both the fragrant and the foul?

**Tamar:** (playfully nudging him) Wise words for a Pharisee! So the moral of the story is—if you drop the soap, stand tall! Wipe away the brown with both your hands and heart, for cleanliness is next to godliness, and laughter helps the soul stay pure!

**Nicodemus:** (laughing heartily) You are indeed a courageous soul, Tamar! Together we shall wield the power of cleanliness and valor against the dark forces of brown!

**Tamar:** (with a wink) And remember, if the battle gets too slippery, we can always blame the vendors for not having the right soap!

**Nicodemus:** (chuckling) I do believe that’s the most profound advice I’ve received today!

**Both laugh as they continue to enjoy their banter, spreading cheer and wisdom in the bustling market.**

**Moral of the story: In life, grasp tightly onto your principles and face every mess with courage and a smile. After all, laughter is the best soap in which to wash away the misfortunes of the brown!**

About not dropping the soap and evil of the brown Debate

Nicodemus and debate About not dropping the soap and evil of the brown

**Setting: A bustling marketplace in an ancient city, where Nicodemus and Tamar bump into each other amidst the clamor of vendors selling spices, textiles, and lanterns.**

**Nicodemus:** (adjusting his tunic with pride) Well, if it isn’t the bravest woman in the land! Tamar, what’s your stance on the important matters of cleanliness? You know, “don’t drop the soap” is the best advice we can give anyone in this chaotic world.

**Tamar:** (raising an eyebrow) Oh, Nicodemus, “don’t drop the soap”? Is that what you scholars preach these days? Sounds like a ‘ritualistic’ approach to scrubbing away life’s messes! I’d argue it’s far better to teach people how to properly handle their soap instead!

**Nicodemus:** (chuckles) Proper handling is all well and good—but if you drop it, you might just slip into a world of trouble! We must uphold cleanliness not just for the body but for the soul! There’s biblical virtue in avoiding slippery situations, you know.

**Tamar:** (giggling) Slippery situations! You mean like when David danced before the Ark? Now *that* was a slippery situation! And just as worth it! I’m more concerned about avoiding ‘the brown’—as in the brown goatskin rugs at your fancy dinners. Might be time to switch to velvety linens, don’t you think?

**Nicodemus:** (feigning shock) Tamar, are you advocating for luxury over humility? The richness of goat skin reminds us of our humble origins! And what’s so evil about “the brown”? If anything, it’s a shade of seriousness—like that look you get when someone spills wine at the dinner table.

**Tamar:** (smirking) Seriousness?! Oh, please! If I’m going to have an unpleasant surprise in my bathwater, I’d prefer the hue be something like aquamarine! Besides, every courageous woman knows when she’s faced with “the brown,” it’s time to charge headfirst into chaos—carry on and clean up, like when I took on those Midianites!

**Nicodemus:** (dramatically clutching his heart) Midianites? Tamar, those were serious foes! But with that attitude, I fear you might trip over your own sandals and land face-first into a pit of—what was it? Oh yes—‘the brown’!

**Tamar:** (guffawing) If I must tumble into a pit of brown, I’ll do it with my eyes wide open! Meanwhile, you can keep your ‘elders approved’ soap bar—though I must say, it seems dyes of righteousness can sometimes stain all the wrong things!

**Nicodemus:** (winking) A bold move, but tell me, who do you think is more aware of ‘the brown’? A woman who fearlessly steps through adversity or a Pharisee who avoids muddy paths like the plague?

**Tamar:** (playfully pouting) Touché! But if there’s one battle I’m willing to fight, it’s not about avoiding mess but instead confronting it head-on! While you’re stuck looking down, I’ll be daring the world to throw me its worst!

**Nicodemus:** (grinning) Well said, Tara! While you charge ahead into the swirls of chaos, I’ll be devising a strategy to wash ours souls clean after you—soap or no soap! After all, if nothing else, you’re guaranteed to make waves—just… not in soap!

**Tamar:** (laughing) Deal! And just remember: if the soap slips out of my hands, I might need a lifeguard of biblical proportions, and I’ll be sure to paddle back to land!

**Nicodemus:** (nodding) Well, at least I can keep my sandals clean while I watch—now *that’s* what I call a comedy of errors!

**(They both burst into laughter, drawing curious glances from the passing townsfolk, and continue their walk through the marketplace.)**

About not dropping the soap and evil of the brown - Game Time

Some Fun

**Game: Never Have I Ever**

**Characters: Nicodemus (Pharisee) and Tamar (Courageous)**

**[Setting: A dimly lit courtyard, night falls around them. Nicodemus and Tamar sit on a stone bench, enjoying a cool breeze. The atmosphere is relaxed yet charged with playful tension.]**

**Tamar:** (with a playful grin) Alright, Nicodemus, let’s play “Never Have I Ever.” It’s a fun way to get to know each other better!

**Nicodemus:** (adjusts his robe, intrigued) Very well, Tamar. But remember, I am a Pharisee. I am bound to honesty.

**Tamar:** (laughs lightly) Don’t worry; I promise I won’t ask you anything too scandalous… at least not yet! (winks) You go first!

**Nicodemus:** (thinking) Alright. Never have I ever… dropped the soap in a public bath!

**Tamar:** (laughs) Oh, come on! Everyone has had that happen to them at least once! (she raises her hand) Guilty as charged!

**Nicodemus:** (chuckles) I suppose even Pharisees must have awkward moments. My turn now. Never have I ever… been caught gossiping.

**Tamar:** (playfully raises her eyebrows) Really? You’re a Pharisee! Don’t you dwell in the land of judgments? (raises her hand) Guilty!

**Nicodemus:** (mockingly shocked) I am appalled! Tamar, you do realize there are stricter laws against gossip among us, right?

**Tamar:** (smirking) Oh, please. Just because you wear the robes doesn’t mean you’re above the fun! Alright, my turn. Never have I ever… faced my greatest fear.

**Nicodemus:** (pauses, contemplating) Hmm, I cannot say that I have raised my hand. But I wonder, what is your greatest fear, brave Tamar?

**Tamar:** (gazing into the distance) Losing my voice… or worse, losing the power to stand for what is right. Anyway, your turn!

**Nicodemus:** (taking a breath) Never have I ever… doubted my beliefs.

**Tamar:** (sly smile) You’re in for a surprise if you think I’d be without doubts. (raises hand) Done that too!

**Nicodemus:** (smiling, impressed) An open mind! I appreciate that. Now… never have I ever… encountered an evil plot and been too afraid to act.

**Tamar:** (with a serious expression) You know, this one stings. (raises her hand reluctantly) I think we all have times when fear gets the best of us.

**Nicodemus:** (nods, admiring her honesty) And yet, here we are, discussing our weaknesses under the stars. My turn again… Never have I ever… felt guilty after judging someone.

**Tamar:** (with a sly grin) That’s an easy one! You can’t be a Pharisee and not struggle with this. (raises hand) I’ve been guilty more times than I can count!

**Nicodemus:** (smirking) Touché. Back to you, brave one.

**Tamar:** (with enthusiasm) Never have I ever… watched someone drop the soap on purpose just to see the reaction!

**Nicodemus:** (roaring with laughter) Oh, that’s a clever one! (raises hand) I have indeed witnessed that spectacle… it’s just as entertaining each time.

**Tamar:** (giggling) Now that’s something we can bond over, Nicodemus! Okay… Never have I ever… ignored someone who needed help.

**Nicodemus:** (reflectively) Unfortunately, that’s also true for me. (raises hand) But I’ve been trying to do better.

**Tamar:** (sharing a warm smile) We’re all a work in progress, right? Last round! Go!

**Nicodemus:** (smiling) Alright. Never have I ever… been caught in an embarrassing moment while preaching.

**Tamar:** (snorts in laughter) Oh, I can only imagine! (raises hand) I mean, who hasn’t tripped over their words once or twice?

**Nicodemus:** (chuckling) There’s hope for us yet, Tamar.

**Tamar:** (nods) Indeed. Let’s promise to keep being honest, even outside of this game.

**Nicodemus:** (with a contemplative nod) Agreed. We have much to learn from one another.

**[The pair exchange smiles, the camaraderie deepening as light laughter echoes into the night, moments of vulnerability sealing their unexpectedly strong bond.]**

**[The game of ‘Never Have I Ever’ fades into meaningful conversation as they explore more profound topics while enjoying the peace of the courtyard under the starlit sky.]**

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About Nicodemus from the New Testament

Nicodemus is a significant figure in the New Testament, known for his role as a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council. His story is primarily recounted in the Gospel of John, where he is portrayed as a seeker of truth and understanding in relation to Jesus’ teachings.

In John 3:1-21, Nicodemus visits Jesus under the cover of night, indicating his cautious approach to Jesus’ revolutionary ideas. During this meeting, he expresses his admiration for Jesus, acknowledging that no one could perform the signs He does unless God were with him. In this pivotal conversation, Jesus speaks of spiritual rebirth, famously declaring, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again” (John 3:3, NIV). This profound concept challenges Nicodemus to look beyond the letter of the law and consider a transformative spiritual experience.

Later in the Gospel, in John 7:50-52, Nicodemus stands up for Jesus during a heated discussion among the Pharisees, questioning whether it is lawful to condemn a man without hearing him. This shows a growing courage and conviction in Nicodemus, reflecting a journey of faith that echoes the struggles of many in encountering Christ.

After Jesus’ crucifixion, Nicodemus further demonstrates his devotion by providing a generous burial for Jesus, along with Joseph of Arimathea. In John 19:39-40, he brings a mixture of myrrh and aloes, indicating not only respect for Jesus but also a willingness to openly associate with Him, even after His death. This act symbolizes a pivotal moment of faith, as Nicodemus transitions from a secretive admirer to a public defender of Jesus and His mission.

In Christian thought, Nicodemus serves as a reminder that the journey of faith is often complex, filled with questions and doubts. His story encourages believers to seek truth earnestly, embrace transformation, and stand firm in their beliefs, demonstrating that the love and grace of Jesus extend even to those who come to Him in the quiet of the night.

About Tamar from the Old Testament

### Biography of Tamar

Tamar is a significant yet often overlooked figure in the Old Testament, whose story appears in Genesis 38. She is the daughter-in-law of Judah, one of the twelve sons of Jacob and a forefather of the Israelite tribes. Tamar’s narrative is one of courage, perseverance, and faithfulness, set against the backdrop of complex familial relationships within the biblical tradition.

After marrying Judah’s firstborn, Er, Tamar found herself widowed when Er was struck dead by God due to his wickedness (Genesis 38:7). As was customary in the ancient Near Eastern culture, she then married Er’s brother Onan to produce offspring that would carry on Er’s lineage. However, Onan also acted wickedly and was killed by God, leaving Tamar in a precarious position.

Judah, fearing for the life of his youngest son, Shelah, sent Tamar back to her father’s house, promising she would be called back when Shelah reached maturity. However, as time passed and Tamar saw no sign of her rightful place in Judah’s family, she took matters into her own hands. Disguising herself as a prostitute, she encountered Judah, who did not recognize her. Tamar became pregnant by Judah, and when the truth was revealed, he acknowledged her righteousness and declared that she was more righteous than he had been in denying her rightful opportunity to bear children (Genesis 38:26).

Tamar’s actions demonstrate her determination to secure her place in the family and fulfill God’s command to be fruitful and multiply. Interestingly, she is also mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, which highlights her importance in salvation history (Matthew 1:3). From a Christian perspective, Tamar exemplifies faithfulness and courage, reminding us of God’s ultimate plan for redemption, which includes surprising figures and unexpected narratives.

In reflecting on Tamar’s story, believers can find great hope in God’s ability to weave complex human situations into His divine purpose, showcasing His grace that includes unlikely individuals in His plan of salvation.

About About not dropping the soap and evil of the brown

**About Not Dropping the Soap and the Evil of the Brown**

In the world we navigate, metaphorical wisdom often emerges from the most mundane experiences. The phrase “don’t drop the soap” serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and moral integrity in our lives, much like the message of the Gospel itself. In a broader sense, it speaks to the need for mindfulness in our actions, ensuring we remain steadfast in our faith and resistance against temptations.

The “evil of the brown” can be interpreted as a symbol for those darker aspects of life and human nature that seek to undermine our spiritual journey. Just as brown can signify decay or corruption, we must be wary of the forces that attempt to draw us away from the light of God’s teachings. We are called to be beacons of hope and righteousness in a world often overshadowed by fear and sin.

As Christians, we are entrusted with the moral responsibility to uphold the virtues of love, compassion, and integrity. Just like handling soap carefully in a precarious situation, our faith demands that we nurture and protect the goodness within us, resisting the temptations that seek to lead us astray. By remaining vigilant and steadfast in our commitment to God, we can avoid the pitfalls represented by the “evil of the brown” and instead, strive to reflect the light of Christ in all we do.

In conclusion, let us not forget the simple yet profound lessons that life offers. By adhering to our Christian principles and guarding our hearts against darkness, we can create a more virtuous world, embodying the love and grace that our faith teaches us.

Create a Conversation

Have fun creating a conversation between two Bible characters. One in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament and see what happens!

Character Conversation
Old Testament Bible Character
New Testament Bible Character

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