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John the Apostle and Eve discuss The Chicago Cubs

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Three random fictitious conversations between John the Apostle and Eve about The Chicago Cubs. That might have taken place at various times in history… But did not!

Let's Talk About The Chicago Cubs

John the Apostle: “Hello Eve, have you ever heard of the Chicago Cubs?”

Eve: “Chicago what? Cubs? Are they some kind of animals?”

John the Apostle: “No, no. The Chicago Cubs is a baseball team. I’m a big fan of them.”

Eve: “Baseball? Is that one of those new sports the Romans have been playing?”

John the Apostle: “Uh, not exactly. It’s an American sport. But let me tell you, Eve, the Cubs have been around for over a hundred years and there’s a saying that goes ‘Next year is our year’”

Eve: “One hundred years?! That’s a long time. What’s this ‘next year is our year’ saying about?”

John the Apostle: “Well, Eve, the Cubs have had a lot of struggles over the years. They haven’t won a championship in over a hundred years, but every year, their fans hold onto hope that next year will be the year they finally win it all.”

Eve: “That’s interesting. But why do they keep hoping if they haven’t won in so long?”

John the Apostle: “That’s a good question, Eve. It’s about perseverance and faith. The fans believe that no matter how many times they fail or how many years go by, they will eventually succeed. It’s like the Christian principle of persevering in faith and never giving up.”

Eve: “I see. So even though they haven’t won, they keep trying and believing in themselves. That’s a good message for us all.”

John the Apostle: “Exactly, Eve. And it’s also about loyalty and love. The fans love the team no matter what and stick by them through thick and thin, just like God’s love for us is steadfast and eternal.”

Eve: “That’s a beautiful thought, John. I may not understand this baseball game or the Chicago Cubs, but I can appreciate the deeper message behind it. Next year could be their year!”

John the Apostle: “Yes, it could be. And even if it’s not, the Cubs and their fans will keep persevering and believing. That’s the true victory.”

The Chicago Cubs Debate

John the Apostle and debate The Chicago Cubs

John the Apostle: Good evening, Eve! Have you heard about the Chicago Cubs?

Eve: Hi there, John! What are they, some kind of animal?

John the Apostle: (chuckles) No, Eve, the Chicago Cubs is a baseball team!

Eve: Oh, I see. I’ve never been interested in those kinds of games.

John the Apostle: Well, you should be! They’ve been around since 1876 and have won three World Series championships.

Eve: Really? That’s a long time ago. Maybe they should change their name to the Chicago Dinosaurs.

John the Apostle: (laughs) That’s a good one, Eve. But I don’t think they will. They’re one of the most popular and beloved sports teams in America.

Eve: I don’t know, John. They must not be that great if they haven’t won in so long.

John the Apostle: (feigns shock) Oh, Eve! You can’t say that! They have a strong fan base and have had some amazing players like Ernie Banks and Sammy Sosa.

Eve: Ernie Banks? Wasn’t he that guy who invented banks?

John the Apostle: No, Eve. (laughs) Ernie Banks was a legendary shortstop for the Cubs who was known for his home runs and personality.

Eve: Oh, I see. I just don’t understand why people waste their time on something so silly.

John the Apostle: It’s not a waste of time, Eve. Sports can bring people together and create a sense of community. Plus, the Cubs have a fascinating history and are still going strong today.

Eve: I’m still not convinced, John. But I’ll take your word for it. Maybe I’ll give it a try someday.

John the Apostle: That’s all I ask, Eve. Who knows, you might even become a Cubs fan yourself!

The Chicago Cubs - Game Time

Some Fun

John the Apostle: Let’s play a game of twenty-questions, Eve.

Eve: Sure, sounds fun. You go first.

John the Apostle: Okay. Is it a sports team?

Eve: Yes, it is.

John the Apostle: Is it a baseball team?

Eve: Yes!

John the Apostle: Is it a team from the East Coast?

Eve: No, it’s not.

John the Apostle: Does the team play in the National League?

Eve: Yes, it does.

John the Apostle: Hmm, I think I know. Is it the Chicago Cubs?

Eve: Yes, it is! Well done, John.

John the Apostle: Thank you, Eve. Now it’s your turn. Do you want to play I Spy or Never Have I Ever?

Eve: Let’s play Never Have I Ever.

John the Apostle: Okay, I’ll begin. Never have I ever been to a Chicago Cubs game.

Eve: Oh, I have! I went to one last year with my husband and kids. They loved it.

John the Apostle: That’s cool. Alright, let me think of something else. Never have I ever met a Chicago Cubs player.

Eve: Well, I haven’t either, unfortunately. But I did see Anthony Rizzo at a restaurant once. He was with his family and seemed really nice.

John the Apostle: Wow, that’s awesome. I’m still waiting for my chance to meet a Cubs player. Maybe someday. Thanks for playing, Eve. That was fun.

Eve: Yes, it was. Thanks for suggesting it, John.

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About John the Apostle from the New Testament

John the Apostle is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus and was known as one of His closest friends. He was also the author of five books from the New Testament which are the Gospel of John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and the book of Revelation.

John was a fisherman who left his livelihood to follow Jesus, and he witnessed the miracles and teachings of Jesus. He was present at key moments such as the transfiguration of Christ, the raising of Lazarus, and at the crucifixion of Jesus. After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, John became a leader in the early Christian church.

In his gospel, John wrote about the divine nature of Jesus, stating that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:1,14). John also emphasized the importance of love and unity among believers, stating “And this is his commandment: We must believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as he commanded us” (1 John 3:23).

John’s writings continue to inspire and encourage Christians today, reminding us of the importance of faith, love, and trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior.

About Eve from the Old Testament

Eve is best known as the first woman created by God in the book of Genesis. Christian tradition holds that God fashioned Eve from one of Adam’s ribs in order to provide him with a companion and helpmate. While the Genesis account portrays Eve as the one who succumbed to the serpent’s temptation and caused the Fall of humanity, Christians also venerate Eve as the ancestor of all humanity, and as a reminder of God’s plan for marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

Eve’s story of creation and fall can be found in Genesis 2:21-25 and Genesis 3:1-24. The New Testament portrays Eve as the first to be deceived by the serpent, but also as a figure of hope and promise of redemption. For example, in 1 Timothy 2:13-15, Eve is acknowledged as the mother of all the living, and is seen as an exemplar of faith and obedience to God.

Through Eve’s story, Christians are reminded of the truth that we are all created by God and share in the original goodness of creation. Additionally, through the grace of Jesus Christ, we are promised redemption from the effects of the Fall – including sin and death – and the hope of eternal life in God’s kingdom.

About The Chicago Cubs

The Chicago Cubs are a beloved baseball team with a rich history. As Christians, we can appreciate the perseverance and faith of the Cubs and their fans. It took over a century for the team to win a World Series, but through hard work and resilience, they finally achieved their goal in 2016. We can also learn from the dedication of Cubs fans, who stuck with their team through decades of losses and heartbreak. As followers of Christ, we too must remain steadfast in our faith and trust in God’s plan, even when it seems like we are facing insurmountable obstacles. Let us remember the lessons we can learn from the Chicago Cubs and strive to emulate their perseverance and devotion.

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